​企业文化essay代写范文—Leading a Culture of Excellence in the Healthcare Industry

发布时间:2022-08-29 10:13:34 论文编辑:刘兰亭



Leadership in the healthcare industry should always nurture a culture of excellence.  Such a culture promotes the highest quality of patient care while simultaneously fostering a relationship with stakeholders rooted in dignity, compassion, and respect.  Employing nurses, physicians and ancillary staff who share the mission and vision of a healthcare facility is the most effective way to foster a culture of excellence.  The entire staff should be educated and aware of the values of the facility in order to create a culture across the board that pursues and expects excellence. 

This paper will explain the meaning and importance of an organization creating and establishing a culture of excellence through their mission, vision, and values.  Lake Health System’s mission, vision, and values will be described along with how they relate to the Masters of Nursing Executive (MSN) track.  A concept map will explain the culture of excellence as stated by Lake Health System.  Finally, two leadership strategies will be discussed along with how those strategies promote a culture of excellence and how they relate to the Chamberlain Care Model.

本文将解释一个组织通过其使命、愿景和价值观创建和建立卓越文化的意义和重要性。Lake Health System的使命、愿景和价值观将被描述,以及它们与护理管理硕士(MSN)课程的关系。一幅概念图将解释由Lake Health System所阐述的卓越文化。最后,将讨论两种领导策略,以及这些策略如何促进卓越文化,以及它们如何与张伯伦关怀模式相关联。

Culture of Excellence优秀的文化

A culture of excellence in healthcare refers to an organization-wide approach to working and thinking that leads to everyone pursuing measurable improvements in the quality of patient care (Parand, Dopson, Renz & Vincent, 2014).  This management philosophy focuses on leading the organization toward meeting a specific shared vision while maintaining specific values.  When a system pursues a culture of excellence, it possesses some organizational characteristics that differentiate it from other organizations.  The first characteristic is the shared goals, vision and values by the employees within the system.  When employees in an organization have shared beliefs and values, this provides the social glue that keeps the organization together.  Positive values lead to an organizational culture that strives to pursue excellence and quality of care (Körner, Wirtz, Bengel & Göritz, 2015).  The leadership style provides the framework to ensure that employees rally behind the mission and vision of the system.

The second characteristic of a culture of excellence is an organization that encourages and practices teamwork and mutual support among employees.  When the stakeholders in a healthcare facility are aware that the primary goal is to help improve patient outcomes, they are more willing to support each other instead of competing.  When proper teamwork is in place the result is improved patient outcomes.  Finally, organizations with a culture of excellence use proper forms of communication which also results in improved patient outcomes.  Effective forms of communication include having an open-door policy with the ability to voice concerns, evident appreciation from senior management and positive communication between staff (Curry, et al., 2018).  This leads to less confrontation and makes employees feel like their opinion and ideas matter.


A culture of excellence is vital in the MSN Executive track because it fosters an environment where employees want to excel.  Leaders should encourage all employees to become involved and engaged.  By doing so, engagement becomes the expectation within the facility which leads to positive patient outcomes and increased staff retention.


Overview of Concept Map概念图概述

The health facility selected is the Lake Health System (LHS).  The mission statement of LHS is to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents within the county they serve along with neighboring communities in order to provide local access, healing with compassion and superior quality.  Lake Health’s vision statement is to be the first choice for superior care close to home and to provide patients and families with a lifetime of health.  Lake Health’s Values statement is RITSI which stands for Respect, Innovation, Teamwork, Stewardship and Integrity.  The relationship between the mission and vision of LHS is that they are derived from one another.  The mission provides a picture of the future that the facility is trying to achieve while the vision highlights the objectives.  They include the creation of an integrated health delivery system offering health services, facilities and technology to help improve service excellence while collaborating with stakeholders to enhance health education and promotion in the community.  The values provide the critical aspects that LHS strives to nurture as the organizational culture (Lake Health, 2019).  The mission, vision and values of LHS all work off of each other and within each other with the patient as the focus providing a culture of excellence.

选定的卫生设施是湖泊卫生系统(LHS)。LHS的使命是为他们所服务的郡内居民和邻近社区提供全面的医疗保健服务,以提供当地的服务,以同情和高质量的治疗。莱克健康的愿景是成为优质医疗服务的首选,为患者和家人提供终身健康。莱克健康的价值观是RITSI,代表着尊重、创新、团队合作、管理和诚信。LHS的使命和愿景之间的关系是相互衍生的。该任务提供了该设施试图实现的未来图景,同时远景突出了目标。其中包括建立一个综合医疗服务系统,提供医疗服务、设施和技术,以协助改善服务质素,同时与利益攸关方合作,在社区加强健康教育和推广。这些价值观提供了LHS作为组织文化努力培育的关键方面(Lake Health, 2019)。LHS的使命、愿景和价值观相互关联,相互融合,以患者为中心,提供卓越的文化。

Proper onboarding of the staff in the hospital means that they share the same beliefs, goals, and practices based on the vision of the organization.  The value of integrity and respect fosters respect for patients and workmates in the organization.  The mutual respect and treatment of patients with dignity are hallmarks of a culture of excellence.  The staff also uses a team-based approach to patient care where every stakeholder plays an integral part in patient care.  From doctors and nurses to the ancillary staff, the organizational culture is built around a team-based approach to patient care.  This approach helps to build trusting relationships amongst the staff and with the patients.  Proper communication with patients is also practiced to ensure that they trust their healthcare team.  Management is supportive and encourages innovation and stewardship which promotes a continued culture of excellence in the future (Lake Health, 2019). 

Leading a Culture of Excellence引领卓越文化

The MSN Nurse Executive track nurtures leadership in nurses.  Certain leadership strategies can aid in the development of a culture of excellence.  The first strategy is to foster respect by treating everyone in a dignified manner.  In healthcare, it is imperative to not only respect your superiors, but to also extend that same respect to the entire staff regardless of role or position (Vermeir, et al., 2015).  That same respect should be shown to all patients in order to establish a trusting and caring relationship.  The second leadership strategy is fostering teamwork and collaboration between the staff.  A team-based approach to patient care can help improve patient outcomes (Freytag, et al., 2017).  Leaders have a responsibility to create an organizational culture where the caregivers are willing to work together for the benefit of their patients.

MSN护士管理轨道培养护士的领导能力。某些领导策略可以帮助发展卓越文化。第一个策略是通过有尊严地对待每个人来培养尊重。在医疗保健领域,不仅要尊重你的上级,而且要将同样的尊重延伸到所有员工,无论其角色或职位(Vermeir, et al., 2015)。对所有病人都应给予同样的尊重,以建立信任和关怀的关系。第二个领导策略是培养团队精神和员工之间的协作。基于团队的患者护理方法可以帮助改善患者结果(Freytag等人,2017)。领导者有责任创造一种组织文化,在这种文化中,护理人员愿意为了病人的利益而一起工作。

The strategies of respect and teamwork aligns with the Chamberlain Care Model by promoting and creating exceptional employees.  Through learning and communication, a maintainable environment can be created which provides a safe and caring environment for both staff and patients.  Leaders have to respect and care about their employees by getting to know them and allowing them to grow within their scopes of practice (Groenwald, 2018).


A culture of excellence is essential in ensuring that healthcare facilities can provide the best care for patients.  When properly implemented, health facilities with a good culture of care have characteristics like shared beliefs, teamwork and mutual respect along with open communication.  The mission, vision, and values of an organization reflect goals achieved and goals to strive for along with expectations of leadership and employees.  Strategies are needed to develop and maintain a culture of excellence.  A culture of excellence promotes job satisfaction and ensures patients well-being.  Scholarly review of available literature has shown that these strategies can improve patient outcomes while fostering good staff relations.




