留学生assignment代写格式:Proposed Service Management Solution

发布时间:2022-09-20 10:19:38 论文编辑:zhenzhen1116

本文是留学生assignment代写范例,题目是“Proposed Service Management Solution(服务管理方案的提出)”,本报告涵盖了基于博尔顿大学专业创新技术的特定要求提出的服务管理解决方案。它推荐了基于信息技术基础设施库(ITIL)的解决方案;这一架构将有助改善大学的服务水平。它提供了ITIL管理的每个级别的清晰的分解和建议的解决方案。


Abstract 摘要

This report covers the proposed service management solution based on the specified requirements for the specialist creative technologies at the University of Bolton.  It recommends solutions based around the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL); this framework will allow the improvement of service levels within the University. It provides a clear breakdown of each level of ITIL management with proposed solutions.

Within the Universities infrastructure only technology personnel will be able to install software and hardware, with all installation privileges revoked from all other users. All academic staff are to have access to teaching materials.  If unauthorized software or hardware is used or installed, then the user will be subject to disciplinary offences.  If required software is not contained within the library, then it must be requested and follow the approval cycle.



1.Service Level Management服务水平管理

This section within the document will cover service level management and its proposed implementation. The goal of service management is to: ensure that levels of agreed service are consistently provided and that any future services are operational within agreed deadlines.Within the creative technologies provisions at the University, the Service Level Manager is proposed to be the most senior technician. This manager will need to be available throughout the day and is recommended due to the level of experience. Other candidates, such as course leaders or department heads, may lack the technical skill and availability for the requirements of the position.


The Service Level Manager will be responsible for ensuring that the Service Level Agreement(SLA) is adhered to, consequently resolving any issues and performing tasks outlined within this document as discussed within the next section.

The Service Level Agreement Appendix 11.1 outlines the services that will be provided by the Technology Department to the University.  This ensures that a mutually agreeable definition of the service is met.

2.Service Desk服务台

The role of the service desk will be discussed in this section, with the suggested implementation to how this service should operate within the University.  The service desk will act as a single point of contact between the Technology Department and the users daily.Within the University, it is suggested that this desk will be physically located and centralised, therefore offering efficiency and being more cost effective. This is due to having one desk rather than several localised desks around the University. However, due to this, staff will be required to travel around the University when needed, but this will be controlled from the service desk when required. It is suggested that the hours of operation are consistent with the opening hours of the University.


The service desk will be responsible for performing initial diagnostics and documenting incidents. The desk will differentiate if a user has reported an incident or a service request. Service requests are when users require help or information also including pre-approved changes such as password resets.

It is advised that incidents are to be recorded upon a database. This database will contain information regarding the incident with a unique reference number. In addition, listing the date and time the issue was raised and resolved, with any workaround solution if available. These initial diagnostics are to include checking against any databases containing known issues to see if there are any solutions or workarounds available. Consequently, this will allow first fix solutions and the reduction of downtime, allowing incidents resolved as quickly as possible and increasing user satisfaction as well as improving efficiency.

After initial diagnostics, if no solution is found then the incident will be escalated to the Incident Management Team where required. The desk will monitor and communicate incidents, close incidents and progress follow up action to management if needed.

3.Incident Management事件管理

Incident management will allow the categorisation of incidents to allow resolution as quickly as possible. Incident management will closely work with the service desk utilising the incident database. This will allow the gathering of information partaking to current incidents and enable a resolution in a timely manner. When an incident occurs that is affecting or has the possibility to affect the agreed level of service, incident management will allow resolution as quickly as possible.Users may experience incidents relating to hardware or software. An example of this is an application not loading or a printer not printing. Although, some incidents may not be noticed by users, incidents such as full disk capacity or an intermittent fault on a network card. Resolution of these incidents before affecting users will offer greater service overall, also reducing the number of incidents reported.


Following this the incident will then by delegated to the most appropriate member of the IT team to resolve the issue. The incident team may need to liaise with change management as discussed within Section 5, if an identified incident requires new software a change request will need to be raised. Also, many incidents may be caused by recent changes that have been deployed so it is essential that these teams work together on a resolution.

The forthcoming section will discuss problem management whilst detailing how issues causing incidents are to be resolved.

4.Problem Management问题管理

Problem management will allow the IT department to identify issues that have caused incidents. To ensure problems are resolved as quickly as possible, the incident database used by the service desk and incident management will also be used for problem management giving a unified source of information.Initial steps will be to identify the problem; this can be from incidents that have been reported by users or known problems. All major incidents are to be followed up with a problem management case.


When a problem management case has been raised, the problem needs to be categorised and prioritised. This will be achieved by determining the impact on business and the cost or value if resolved quickly, therefore determining the order the problems will be managed.

Following the determination of priority, the cause of the issue will then be identified, giving the foundation to establish the solution. If the solution devised involves new software, then liaising with the Change Manager will be needed for the implementation and agreement of new software. Final steps in the process are to verify problem resolution and then to close the case.

5.Change Management变更管理

Change management allows the management of any changes to infrastructure within the University, this will ensure that all changes are managed from start to finish and effectively assed on the viability of the change. Change management will liaise with configuration management discussed within section 6 to allow the successful delivery of new hardware and software within the University.It is suggested that the Change Manager will be the Service Level Manager; this will ensure transparency across processes and ensure if needed the SLA is updated to reflect changes. The Change Manager will be responsible for leading the team to effectively deliver new changes using a methodical process.


Further to the Change Manager, to effectively facilitate change, it is proposed there is a Change Advisory Board. The CAB will need to meet on a regular basis, which is advised to be at least once a week to discuss any changes, comprising of the Change Manager, Head of School and IT staff. When a student request for change is on the agenda, it is advised that a student representative will need to be present at meetings.

The board will be responsible for the initial review of all changes and the subsequent approval or rejection. Further to the initial approval, the team in charge of implementing the change will submit a plan for the changes, requiring final approval.

6. Configuration Management配置管理

Configuration management allows the mapping of relationships between hardware and software within the services covered within the University.  This will ensure control of all assets that are used to deliver services. The following section will discuss the proposed plan for management of configuration items within the infrastructure.It is recommended that a configuration management database stored upon its own server is created to allow the understanding of relationships between the components and to see how they are configured, allowing a greater overview. It is proposed that there is a main CMDB database containing all the current hardware and software configurations currently deployed within the University.


Alongside this database it is also recommended that there is a test CMDB database to contain all new configuration items identified, until deployment following testing where it will then be pushed to the main database.

The database is advised to be stored upon own its own server separate to the incident management database, interacting with release management database with all new releases, being automatically pushed into the configuration database.

The configuration database will contain all hardware that specifies each individual component such as the motherboard, central processing unit and the ram size and type. This will allow in the event of a component failure for the specific component to easily be replaced. The database will also contain details of all software, specifying version number and release. This will again allow quick identification of effected machines once known issues are realised.

In conclusion, this document has looked at different levels of management, their purpose and how it is advised how to implement them within the creative technologies department within the University.  It had advised implementation for each section looking at standard ITIL practices. Also, looking at continuity and capacity management giving recommendations on each service provided.

In conclusion, this document has looked at different levels of management, their purpose and how it is advised how to implement them within the creative technologies department within the University. It had advised implementation for each section looking at standard ITIL practices. Also, looking at continuity and capacity management giving recommendations on each service provided.



