留学生assignment参考案例:Role of International Business in the Ecological Crisis

发布时间:2022-04-12 11:59:18 论文编辑:zhenzhen1116

本文是留学生assignment范例,题目是“Role of International Business in the Ecological Crisis(国际商务在生态危机中的作用)”,企业社会责任的概念是一个相对较新的概念,它说明了一个事实,即组织,特别是公司(但不仅仅是公司)有义务考虑客户、员工、股东和他们所经营的社区的利益,生态方面和环境影响的经济运作进行。这一义务被视为高于法律法规所规定的限制。


Abstract 摘要

The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is relatively new and illustrates the fact that organizations, especially corporations (but not only) have an obligation to take into account the interests of clients, employees, shareholders, the community in which they operate, the ecological aspects and the environmental impact of the economic operations carried out. This obligation is seen as being above the restrictions created by the legal regulations.

According to the definition given by the European Commission (Yıldız, A & Ozerim, G. ,2014) , to be socially responsible, a company must integrate into its actions and strategies the social and environmental problems related to the activities in which it is involved.

根据欧盟委员会给出的定义(Yıldız, A & Ozerim, G.,2014),企业要有社会责任,就必须将其所涉及的活动所涉及的社会和环境问题纳入其行动和战略。



I chose to write about this topic because Corporate Social Responsibility and the ecological crisis represents today a severe concern of the majority of the companies. This is a new field that involves the future of our countries, and it deserves to be studied and explored. This paper presents some good practice examples of Corporate Social Responsibility communication strategies, their implementation, and their influence and impact on company image, reputation, activity development, and success.


In the first part of the essay, we will examine the concept of Social Responsibility and outlined the benefits of using this strategy on international business.

In the second part of the paper, our primary focus will be on the case study: OMV Petrom, where it will be explained in detail the mission and vision of the company and their social responsibility projects over the last years.  In the last part of the essay, I will make a comparison between OMV Petrom and three main competitors on the market along with their projects of Corporate Social Responsibility.

2.Main Body主体

All companies, regardless of size or geographical area in which they operate, depend directly or indirectly on natural resources. Their activity has a significant impact on the environment and communities, so the core of each business must be based on sustainability.


Governments and businesses are now discovering that protecting the environment is beneficial for companies and jobs. Therefore, an economy based on environmentally friendly policies is innovative and resource-efficient, stimulating growth, and boosting employment. What customers, suppliers, employees, government, and society generally expect from a company is changing the business model, with a greater focus on sustainability and responsibility.

We all want the business to be successful, but not at any cost. With a growing global population struggling to improve their living standards in the context of a planet with limited resources, companies must anticipate global changes and change the way they operate to keep up with these transformations. The challenge lies in how changes can or should lead to a fundamental transformation, the way organizations are run, and how shareholders measure success. And for this, it is necessary to adopt integrated reports that will give to all stakeholders access to a wide range of information about the company and the impact of its activity in the community.

3.What is Corporate Social Responsibility?什么是企业社会责任?

The European Union“defines Corporate Social Responsibility as “a concept by which companies voluntarily integrate their social and environmental concerns into business, promoting them in relationships with stakeholders.” (Yıldız, A. & Ozerim, G., 2014  )  The term “corporate social responsibility” became popular only in the 20th century through the 1960s. In 1953, Howard R. Bowen wrote the fundamental book “Social Responsibilities of the Businessman”, and since then, there has been a change in the way international companies are dealing with environmental issues.

欧盟将“企业社会责任”定义为“企业自愿将其社会和环境问题融入企业,促进其与利益相关者的关系”。(Yıldız, A. & Ozerim, G., 2014  )“企业社会责任”一词直到20世纪60年代才开始流行。1953年,霍华德·r·鲍恩(Howard R. Bowen)写了一本基础著作《商人的社会责任》(Social responsibility of the Businessman),从那以后,国际公司处理环境问题的方式发生了变化。

According to Doh, J.P. , Littell, B. and Narda  (2015) the CSR activity has been increasing over the last few years, mainly because companies have recognized the commercial advantages of increased transparency. Therefore, it is believed that the quantity of information regarding sustainability actions will also increase, that’s mainly because companies can gain knowledge of their implications and they can also understand the benefits of this great strategy.

4.Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility企业社会责任的好处

The benefits of implementing principles of social responsibility are mainly related to improving company image as well as increasing the company’s reputation and attracting and motivating valuable employees.Both corporations and the media accept that in the relations between companies and communities, social responsibility is mutually beneficial.


On the one hand, it generates profit for companies. On the other hand, social responsibility involves the support of communities or social groups and the involvement of companies in local development.

5.The mission and vision of the company公司的使命和愿景

According to the basic principles of those of OMV, the company vision is to consolidate the position of leader in the oil and gas industry in the South-East region of Europe. The mission of OMV Petrom is to have both profitable and sustainable growth of the company, as this is beneficial for shareholders, customers, employees, and the Romanian economy. Another objective of the company is focused on reducing the impact of climate change through growing energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions by implementing the highest quality environmental standards. (OMV’s Sustainability Report, 2018)

根据OMV的基本原则,该公司的愿景是巩固其在欧洲东南部地区油气行业的领导地位。OMV Petrom的使命是实现公司的盈利和可持续增长,因为这对股东、客户、员工和罗马尼亚经济都有好处。公司的另一个目标是通过实施最高质量的环境标准,提高能源效率和减少碳排放,减少气候变化的影响。(OMV的可持续发展报告,2018年)

Petrom claims that it has three essential values, which determine the foundation of their business: professionalism, values and partnership. The company is actively involved in the life of the community and society. Petrom claims that protecting the environment is just as important to them as sustainable economic growth, employee, clients and partners safety, high ethical standards in business, or development of the local community. Petrom runs four projects of social responsibility: Parks of the Future (rehabilitation of five parks in five cities of the country), Disaster Preparedness Campaign (together with Red Cross), Petrom Olympics (1,300 young performers receive scholarships for competitions and Resources for the Future (education program on the responsible use of resources, which also featured the TV spot “Andrei”)

6.OMV Strategy for Sustainability OMV可持续发展战略

OMV Petrom focuses on two key fundamental factors for their strategy: people and sustainability. To this end, the company wants to develop an organizational culture based on performance,in order for the company to grow and increase its operational excellence. At the same time, the OMV Petrom group claims that they focus on increasing the culture of sustainability, using natural resources efficiently, and having high standards of safety for the environment.

OMV Petrom的战略关注两个关键的基本因素:人和可持续性。为此,公司想要发展一种基于绩效的组织文化,以便公司成长和提高其卓越的运营。与此同时,OMV Petrom集团声称,他们专注于增加可持续发展的文化,有效地利用自然资源,并为环境制定高标准的安全标准。

In conclusion, corporate social responsibility is not simply about reducing the amount of waste the business produce or using less energy but is worried about developing processes that will lead to businesses becoming completely sustainable in the future.

I consider that all companies, regardless of their field of activity, should be involved in such projects to contribute to a healthier life of the entire ecosystem.OMV Petrom and the other oil companies have every reason to be the initiator of Social Responsibility projects, given that the problems created in the environment are extremely important, the emission of gas being one of the causes of global warming, a problem now on the agenda of high-level international meetings, because of its seriousness.

我认为所有的公司,无论他们的活动领域,都应该参与到这样的项目中来,为整个生态系统的健康生活做出贡献。OMV Petrom和其他石油公司有充分的理由对社会责任项目的发起者,鉴于环境中创建的问题极其重要,排放的气体是全球变暖的原因之一,现在一个问题提上议事日程的高级别国际会议,因为它的严重性。


