代写留学生作业-留学生市场分析研究作业-留学生作业PPT-Marketing Research- Audience Re

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代写留学生作业,留学生市场分析研究作业,留学生作业PPTMarketing Research Audience Research
Bradley Chapter 13
You should be able to:
1. Explain the purposes of audience research
2. Describe the populations in audience research
3. Explain the procedures used in audience
4. Show what must be considered at the
publication stage of audience research
Learning Outcomes
Audience research provides information for
8 media owners
8 advertisers
8 sellers of advertising space
Audience Figures…
…dictate the price media owners set
(to sell advertising space; they are a “currency”)
…offer editorial guidance
(what readers, viewers and listeners want)
…give ready-made segmentations
(of similar people)
1. The purposes of
audience research
• Many established segmentation systems are
associated with Government surveys
8 Socio-Economic Groupings (SEG),
8 Social Class
8 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC)
8 Socio-Economic Classes (SEC)
• The UK market research industry uses Social
Grade, entirely based on occupation
2. The populations in
audience research
State pensioners or widows,
casual or lowest grade workers
Lowest levels
of subsistence
D Working class Semi & unskilled manual workers
Skilled working Skilled manual workers
class C2
Supervisory or clerical & junior
managerial, administrative or
Lower middle
class C1
Intermediate managerial
administrative or professional
B Middle class
Higher managerial,
administrative or professional
Upper middle
class A
UK Social Grade
• Different procedures are used at present
• But measurement is moving towards
mechanical observation
• Technology is now making it possible for
all media to be “captured” by single
studies or single devices
3. Procedures used in UK
audience research
8 BARB uses mechanical devices
8 RAJAR uses pen/paper self completion diaries
8 Moving to mechanical measurement
Newspapers & magazines
8 NRS uses personal interviews
8 Publishers compile circulation figures for their own
periodicals. Independent auditors (e.g. ABC) verify
their declarations
Traditional Media
Readership = number of people who read the newspaper
in a given period.
Circulation = number of copies of a specific issue that
have been printed and distributed.
• If one copy of the publication is read by one person the
circulation and readership figures are identical.
• If two or more people read one copy, circulation may be
lower than readership.
• If some copies are not read, circulation may exceed
Readership/Circulation = Readers per Copy (RPC)
Readership & circulation
Outdoor (Posters, buses etc.)
8 Pedestrian, Vehicular and Traffic Counts
8 Made by hand-held click-counters, infra red
sensors, video, pressure mats and handheld Global
Positioning System (GPS)
8 Monitoring-software on terminals
8 Website visitor records for length of visits, user
hardware, software and behaviour. Carried out web
page owner or an external body (e.g. ABC or BPA)
Other Media
Media audience data can be confusing
8 with abbreviations, acronyms and jargon
8 the great amount of data produced
8 different reporting intervals (daily, monthly etc.)
Typically data are delivered electronically by media
8 the advantage is easy analysis,
8 but electronic data reports can be complex
4.What to consider at the
代写留学生作业publication stage