留学作业代写:Social Norms and Conformity

发布时间:2023-02-18 20:00:39 论文编辑:cinq888

留学作业代写-社会规范与合规性。本文是一篇留学生作业写作范文。主要内容是讲述调整一个人的行为或信仰以适应一个群体,这就是所谓的一致性。根据心理学家Solomon Asch的说法,人们要么认为另一组人更有知识,要么只是想被人喜欢。克尔曼确定了三种类型的合规性:识别、内部化和合规性。与此相反的是男性,他们拒绝随波逐流,自由行动。所选文章分别由Solomon Asch和Janney、Mallory、Rossito和Simon撰写。一下就是这篇留学生作业的具体内容,供参考。


Introduction 引言

 Adapting one’s behavior or beliefs in order to fit in with a group is known as conformity. According to psychologist Solomon Asch, people either believe that the other group is more knowledgeable or that they simply want to be liked (1951). Kelman identifies three types of conformance: identification, internalization, and compliance (1958). The opposite of this is true for men, who refuse to follow the herd, and act on their own accord (Swim et al., 2020). The articles chosen are that by Solomon Asch (Asch. A. E, 1951), and that by Janney, Mallory, Rossitto, and Simon (Janney. F, Mallory. S, Rossitto. R, Simon. J, 1969).

Participants 参与者

An 8-year-old boy from Asia, a 24-year-old Asian woman, a 25-year-old white woman, and a 48-year-old Asian man are the subjects of this study, which involves them standing in the street and staring up at the sky on alternate days. A number of these unrelated variables will be altered to see what effect they have. Parents and students will be the dependent variables. It is our hope that by increasing the number of independent variables, we will be able to ascertain how many parents and students are also staring up at the sky. Asch task conformity was as a result of age. Psychological Review, 136(3): 367-372. According to Solomon Asch’s social conformity paradigm, age and social conformity are linked in this article. There were 110 Australian students and adolescents aged 3-17 years old who participated in the research study. 

一名来自亚洲的8岁男孩、一名24岁的亚裔女性、一名25岁的白人女性和一名48岁的亚裔男性是这项研究的对象,他们每隔一天就站在街上仰望天空。许多这些不相关的变量将被改变,看看它们有什么影响。父母和学生将是因变量。我们希望通过增加自变量的数量,我们能够确定有多少家长和学生也在仰望天空。任务一致性是年龄的结果。根据Solomon Asch的社会整合范式,本文将年龄和社会整合联系起来。有110名3-17岁的澳大利亚学生和青少年参与了这项研究。

Design 设计

Effects of group pressure on the adjustment and disruption of judgments, Asch, S. E. (1951), p. Men, groups, and leadership, edited by H. Guetzkow. The Carnegie Press, 177-190, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania If rewards have an effect on the conformity of a minority, this study investigated it. Half of the 40 male participants were informed that they would be rewarded individually, while the other half were told that they would be rewarded in groups. No minority conformed to the majority when it came to group reward groups, whereas the majority of group members did. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a study like this one come out of such a well-respected academic journal (1969). Race and age influence conformity. 25(2): 591-597 (Psychological Reports). 16 white and 16 black males, ages 7 and 11, are studied in the same and opposite racial groups in this study. In the study, it was found that conformity was not determined by race, but rather by age. As people aged, their ability to conform decreased.


Conclusion 结论

Key findings. 关键发现

From the two studies carried out on race and age and how they were used as a factor in conformity, some of the findings from the first study on race can be summarized as follows; Asians were found to be more conformist than whites. The females in the research were found to be more conformist that males, the confidence levels in the white people was higher than that in Asian people, and also as the number of white people increased, the whites and Asians in the study became more conformist. On the research on age, some of the findings were that there were more children aged seven who conformed than those aged eleven. The conformity rate amongst the children decreased with age, and also that race was not a factor in this study. These findings also indicate that conformity depended on how much approval the participants got, their urge to maintain a good self-concept, as well as a desire to be right about what people were doing. The findings of the study of race also indicated that face attractiveness was important in the social setting, in terms of normative influence. 


The confidence level being higher in white people more than in the Asian participants can be attributed to perception. The perception of Asian people feeling inferior than white people was a huge factor in the study. Perception also played a huge role in terms of the conformist behavior that was seen in the study, when it came to the comparison between white and Asian participants. Culture was also a factor in the study. In terms of social conformity, males in the Asian culture have a history of non-conformity, and this plays out in the study whereby the percentage of conformity in males is considered to be lower than that in females. On matters age, looking at the study, it can be said that age increase is indirectly proportional to the level of conformity that a participant has. This is seen because as the age of the participants increases, then the rate of social conformity decreases. This is the case for both adults and children who were used in both of the studies as participants.


Advantages and Limitations.优点和限制

Some of the advantages of the studies were that in the first study on race, the age difference between the participants was considered, and this helped in enabling the accuracy of the results. In the second study on age, two variables were used, that of age and race, and this helped in coming up with an accurate conclusion.


On the disadvantages of the study, on the study on race, only two races were used and thus it would be difficult for the result to be acceptable. The use of other races like blacks and Latinos would have made the study more accurate. In the second study, the same limitations were observed whereby the participants used only two races, and also the age used in the participants was not broad. 


The reliability of the studies was average. This was because on one hand, there was a correct way in which the participants were chosen, but more would have been done it terms of diversifying the races to ensure that the reliability was high. While in the first study only Asians were used as an alternative to the White participants, the participation of black participants would have also been important for the study in terms of diversity. This can be said for both of the studies used in the essay.

Works  Cited 引用文献

Asch, S. E. (1951). Effects of group pressure upon the modification and distortion of judgments. In H. Guetzkow (Ed.), Groups, leadership and men. Pittsburg, PA: Carnegie Press, 177-190. 

Janney, F., Mallory, S., Rossitto, R., & Simon, J. (1969). Conformity as a function of race and age. Psychological Reports, 25(2), 591-597. 

Kelman, H. C. (1958). Compliance, identification, and internalization three processes of attitude change. Journal of conflict resolution, 2(1), 51-60. 

Swim, J. K., Gillis, A. J., & Hamaty, K. J. (2020). Gender bending and gender conformity: The social consequences of engaging in feminine and masculine pro-environmental behaviors. Sex Roles, 82(5-6), 363-385. Walker, M. B., & Andrade, M. G. (1996). Conformity in the Asch task as a function of age. The Journal of social psychology, 136(3), 367-372.

Klucharev. V, Hytönen. K, Rijpkema. M, Smidts. A, Fernandez. G (2009), Reinforcement learning signal predicts social conformity. Neuron, 61(1), 140-151. 
