
发布时间:2015-01-15 14:33:53 论文编辑:lgg

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Presentation of the Topic
English textbooks are considered to be one of the most important elements to realizethe the overall goal of English curriculum. The reform of the textbook is the main part ofEnglish teaching reform, so we should attach great importance to the reform of the Englishtextbooks.English teaching and learning was a great success in the Public of China, one of thereasons was the success of the English textbooks. However, there are a few researches onthe English textbooks in the Public of China. Thus the study was undertaken to getdescription of the typical English Textbooks in the Public of China. The aims are to findout the features of the textbooks, and to come up with niche targeting suggestions onEnglish textbooks using, compiling, according to the comparison and analyses of Englishtextbooks.

1.2 Research Purposes
The Chinese students began to learn English in the Imperial University in 1862. Chinabegan to offer English curriculum in primary school and middle school in 1902. From thenon, there were two kinds of English education in China: official English education andmissionary education. English textbooks went through a great and hard course. That isfrom no English course book to a few ones, and then introduced the western textbooks,compiled English course books by the press in China, the appearance of the standardEnglish textbooks. Therefore, the English textbooks were diversified and made greatprogress. Thus Junior School Textbooks in the public of China should be researcheddeeply.The English textbooks is an important English education tool and English educationmaterial. It is also the fundamental element of English curriculum and the carrier ofcurriculum targets. The paper will commend and analyze the development of the textbooksin this period to find the development of the revolution of English teaching and thetextbooks. Based on the analysis, the paper will summarize the distinguishing feature ofteaching guide ideology, the selection and the arrangement of the contents, teachingpedagogies and the design of the textbooks. In the end, the paper will try to offer somesuggestion to the compiling of the English textbooks and the revolution of the seniorschool English teaching.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Researches Abroad
Evaluation of textbooks abroad had made many achievements, including the content,the scope, processes, methods and principles.On the textbooks evaluation methods, Hutchingson and Waters (1987) were almostthe most early scholar. In the textbook evaluation methods, Hutchinson and Waters (1987)proposed a way of subjective analysis and assessment of objective analysis of mutualcontrol; professor Ur (1996), Counningsworth (1995), Sheldon (1988), Breen & Cardlin(1987) presented a little early evaluation and detailed evaluation dichotomy; Grant (1987),Cunningsworth (1995), Jo McDonough & Christopher Show (2003) suggested three stagesaccording to a certain order for textbooks comprehensive and objective evaluation. All othemethods were mostly foreign language teaching materials from outside to inside, from theinitial to the detail, we can learn from them.On the evaluation criteria, Alan Cunningsworth (1995) proposed the evaluation andselection of materials, the contents of the eight areas: goals and methods design andorganization, language knowledge, language skills, topics, teaching methods, teacher'sbook, consider practical aspects. Ur (1998) proposed covering all aspects of teachingcontent. Tomlinson (2003) presented a good textbook should have features: attractive, sothat students feel comfortable, to help learners set up confidence, to introduce the learningmethods and approaches, such as problem solving.Western textbook evaluation methods and evaluation criteria were quite mature,which had set good example for us. We should learn from their theories and methods andanalyze the actual features of Chinese textbooks.

2.2 Researches at Home
The Evaluation of English textbooks had been gradually taken seriously, and with therevision of the new English curriculum standards, the domestic scholars had introduced theforeign viewpoints.On the textbook evaluation methods, Qian Yuan (1995) suggested that the evaluationof language teaching materials should include assessments based on the syllabus. Theevaluation should be based on the understanding of the views of teachers and students,teaching comparative and experimental four-step method. The view was based on the study results of van Els et al (1984). The professor thought that Four-step evaluation of acomprehensive, but easy to operate. Gao Lingbiao ( 2002 ) , Ding towards Punta ( 2003 ) ,Ren Changsong ( 2002 ) , Anping ( 2002) conducted a study on the teaching evaluationwork ,which Qiaoai Ling ( 2002 ) argued that foreign language teaching materials frommacroscopic and microscopic were design for evaluation. Gao Lingbiao (2002) developeda set of high school English textbook evaluation tools . Xia Jimei introduced textbookevaluation Genesee applicability, and described the steps on teaching evaluation form orquestionnaire design. Cheng Xiaotang ( 2012 ) summarized the method of teachingevaluation into two categories: random and systematic evaluation.The English education in China originated in the missionary schools initiated by theprotestant who came to china in early 19th century. Yun Daiying (1921) analyzed fourdrawbacks of the existing textbooks in the book named with "The preliminary questions inediting school textbooks”: The textbooks were not easy to understand, not suitable forself-study, adopting the deductive method while not the inductive method; independent andwith very weak relevance to each other; without timeliness. Wang Jianjun (1996), Bi Yuan(2010) studied the appearance and validation of textbook of early china. Wang Jianjunteased validation system of the early period of the Republic of China in his book “Chinamodern textbooks development research".

Chapter 3 The English Curriculum Reform in the Perioda ... 7
3.1 The Issue of the English Curriculum Documents for Junior Schools.... 7
3.2 Overview of the English Textbooks for Junior Schools....... 10
Chapter 4 The Comparison and Analysis of the English textbooks...... 13
4.1 The Introduction of the Sample English Textbooks ...... 13
4.2 The Comparison of The Sample English Textbooks...... 13
4.3 Result and Analysis........... 19
Chapter 5 Suggestions for Compiling and Using English Textbooks ......... 21
5.1 For Compiling English Textbooks........... 21
5.2 For Using English Textbooks ............. 23

Chapter 5 Suggestions for Compiling and Using English Textbooks

5.1 For Compiling English Textbooks
English textbooks is known as the tool of classroom teaching, which aims at helpingstudents to consolidate improve the students’ English ability to use the language in real life.English textbook is an important carrier of English learning. Therefore, they have theprofound influence of English textbook publishing editor of English teaching.In an attempt to make students better achieve the curriculum objectives of cultivatingtheir comprehensive language competence, English textbooks compilers and teachers needto try their best to improve the English textbooks according to the English curriculumobjectives in elementary education stage as expected in the English curriculum standards.This chapter is meant to give English textbooks compilers and teachers the followingsuggestions on English textbooks design and usage.English textbook is an important way of realizing the English curriculum objectiveson condition that it is effective. In 2011, the new English curriculum standard says thatthere are two ideas in the English curriculum: instrumentality and humanity. So thecompiling of the textbooks should orient from instrumentality and humanity.(1) Complying with the English curriculum standards: this is the most importantprinciple in compiling English textbooks. All the English textbooks in the Republic ofChina complied with the English curriculum standards at that time. With the changes of theEnglish curriculum standards, the textbooks would change in time according to the newEnglish curriculum standards. For example, the English curriculum standard in 2011 saysthat there are two ideas in the English curriculum: instrumentality and humanity. So thecompiling of the textbooks should orient from instrumentality and humanity.



This chapter includes three parts, that is to say, the main findings of the research, thelimitations and the recommendations for further study. On the basis of summarizing the researches on textbooks, the research analyzes themain features of the textbooks, and finds out the advantages of the textbooks in theRepublic of China. In the aspect of helping the teacher and the leaner take the mostadvantage of textbooks, improve the reading, writing abilities. The English textbooks playsa positive role.In addition, based on the English curriculum objectives as expected in the Englishcurriculum standards, the author come up with the relevant suggestions of textbookscompiling. What is more, the author puts forward suggestions for English teachers onEnglish textbooks using as well. The author presents features of the textbooks and offers teachers in the junior highschools some advice. However, due to time limitation and many other practical restrictions,inevitably, the research has some limitations.Firstly, owning to the finite energy and resources, the author only chooses some of thetextbooks to for the research. Consequently, it is difficult for the author to involve all thetextbooks. Therefore, the samples are not ample enough to cover all their views on theissue.Secondly, although the author has tried to study the theory of evaluation of Englishtextbooks, restricted by personal ability and experience, it remains to be challengeable forthe author to have a comprehensive and thorough knowledge of the textbook evaluation.Thirdly, the analysis of the textbooks is not profound and deep-going enough.Fourthly, because the author does not teach with the textbooks, so it is impossible totell the features of the textbooks correctly, which affect the results of the researches.
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