
发布时间:2012-12-01 20:45:24 论文编辑:lgg
人类对世界的看法可以用不同义域的观念表述,一个义域的概念可以被另一个义域的概念隐喻化。可以说该理论是继基乔姆斯基引起的语言学领域里的革命后的又一次革命。Mary Snell-Hornby defined translation as “Translation is not thetranscoding of words or sentences from one language to another, but acomplex form of action, whereby someone provides information on a text(source language material) in a new situation and under changedfuwww.1daixie.comnctional, cultural, and linguistic conditions, preserving formal as closeas possible”.(Snell-Hornby: 2001) Translation is not equal to the foreignlanguage competence, to train a good translator, great attention should bepaid on the source of translation teaching program, the curriculum shouldcover every aspect of the accomplishment that a good translator shouldhave, especially the aesthetics competence.
As for curriculum, their setting should be under a systematic guidingtheory that answers every aspect demanded by the profession. Theyshould be set with regard to four points: the training of reading, thetraining of representation, the cultivation of literary aesthetic experiencein different languages concerned, and the cognition of translation studysituated in the broad study of a series of relative subjects, in theperspective of aesthetics, courses related to aesthetics should bwww.1daixie.come includedin the design of curriculum.As for intensified training, it is profitable supplement to in-classcourses. It can be offered in forms of various academic lectures, seminars,conferences and local or national training projects, etc.As for self-cultivation, students are supposed to learn extensivelyoutside classrooms. At the same time, supervisors may provide lists ofrecommendations of books and materials for students’ further and deeperlearning.
1.2 Purpose of this Study 研究目的
terary translation has not been paid enough emphasis. In mostuniversities, literary translation is taken as a branch of foreign languageand literature study, instead of an independent systematic subject.Translation is the transition of literary truths. Literary truth, however,is not only semantic but also social and cultural. It unavoidably comprises the historical background of certain society and the features of certainculture. On one hand, it is too idealistic to suppose every student oftranslation major to be expert in history and culture so that he or shecould overcome most of the cultwww.1daixie.comural blindness, because literary truth isvarious, delicate, complex and phantasmagoric. It might cover everyaspect of life and changes along with its carrier language. Sometimeseven a native reader can be confused with words or expressions in theworks of native writers. On the other hand, students may have look up tovarious referential tools.
Chapter Two Literature Review文献综述
2.1 Aristotle and Metaphor 亚里士多德和隐喻
As the reception aesthetics declare, the degree of aestheticsignificance a reader can get is proportional to what extent he or sheparticipates in the aesthetic activity and its creative thinking. (朱立元,2004: 90)Aesthetic attainments of students come from the long-termcultivation which includes academic training and self-study. To improvestudents’ aesthetic attainments is to improve their cultivation both inpractice and guiding theories, and the curriculum for translation major
design attach great importance to theories and practice in courses of acurriculum and teaching, integrative course based on informationtechnology and humanities. Great attention also has been paid on the newachievements of related disciplines, because they have importanceinfluence on course and teaching theory. (钟启泉, 1989: 240-242)As discussed in chapter 3, the aim of undergraduate translationmajor is to cultivate practical and composite proficient students withtranslating ability, and train high-quality translators with the ability ofhandling basic knowledge of both bilingual translation and otheracademic discipline. Thus, it is necessary to enable the students to equipwith wide knowledge and strong suitability.
It is obvious that the current curriculums in the 13 representativeuniversities are unbalanced and not scientific; from the perspective ofaesthetics, the course structure in the curriculum is irrational. Mu Leipointed out: the curriculums for translation majors are defective; this isone of the reasons for graduates’ discontent to translation teaching is. (穆雷, 2005:56) Thus, combining with the analysis of aesthetics andtranslation major, Besides cultivating practical and composite proficientstudents to meet the social development needs, curriculums for translationmajor should also aim at promoting students’ mind development, togetherwith the courses related with aesthetics, a scientific and systematic knowledge structure can be established. With the basis of these basicprinciples, corresponding curriculums are suggested as following.
Chapter Three Research Methodology ........................................18-22
    3.1 The Data Source  ........................................18
    3.2 The Identification of Metaphor  ........................................18-19
    3.3 Approaches for Data Analysis  ........................................19-20
    3.4 Research Procedures ........................................ 20-22
Chapter Four Conceptual Metaphors ........................................ 22-42
    4.1 ECONOMY IS A CONTAINER metaphor ........................................ 22-25
    4.2 ECONOMY IS A PERSON metaphor ........................................ 25-28
    4.3 ECONOMY IS A MACHINE metaphor  ........................................28-31
    4.4 BUSINESS IS A JOURNEY metaphor ........................................ 31-35
    4.5 BUSINESS IS WAR metaphor  ........................................35-38
    4.6 BUSINESS IS A GAME metaphor  ........................................38-40
    4.7 Summary  ........................................40-42
Chapter Five Conclusion  ........................................42-46
    5.1 Summary  ........................................42-43
    5.2 Findings and Conclusions  ........................................43
    5.3 Limitations of the Study ........................................ 43-44
5.4 Suggestions for Further Research ........................................ 44-46
Conclusion 结论
Related courses have close relationship with core courses. In therelated courses, a systematic knowledge can be provided to students,enable students have a good foundation for core courses. As we havediscussed above, related courses include courses of bilingual convertingskills, courses of bilingual foundation, and courses of cultural background,courses of information technology, and other related courses.
bject is the source language; it must be put under our aesthetic scrutinyif it is to be translated as effectively as the way the original is put. Fromthe analysis in chapter 3, we have learned that the undergraduates oftranslation major seldom have Chinese language course. Thus, students oftranslation major are facing an embarrassment: in the practice oftranslation, they feel their express ability are far from enough; and thissituation is related to what they read, there are few courses on improvingtheir mother tongue, this result in they are poor in expressing, can notfind good phrase to translate the meaning and style of the text, and someof them even make wrong sentence. It is important to take sourcelanguage into the curriculum. Courses related to Chinese language should be added to the curriculum, such as: contemporary Chinese language,college Chinese language and literature etc.



