英国论文格式范文-The Research of International Ass

发布时间:2012-11-06 09:40:32 论文编辑:网编

论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Degree

MNCs have been conceptualized by Kogut and Zander (1993) as social communities tha留学生论文t specialize in the creation and internal transfer of knowledge. However, the efficient transfer of organizational knowledge is hindered by its tacit and embedded nature (Polanyi 1967; Szulanski 1996). A variety of organizational mechanisms is necessary for the successful transfer, including people-based mechanisms (Lam 2003). In the view of knowledge-based view of firm,knowledge is the 代写留学生硕士论文key of core competence of company.In the age of globalization,the knowledge of the host country is necessary for MNCs to be successful on the host market.The international transfer of human resource in MNCs is an important way to gain the knowle英文硕士论文代写dge of host country,especially for tacit knowledge.

    However, in the studies about the knowledge transfer of MNCs,the focus has been the knowledge transfer on the organizational level and there are little researcher has pay attention to the individual level.In the studies about the international assignments,the focus has been the cross-culture adaptation.Thus, it needs to combine the international assignments with knowledge transfer from the perspective of learning.

    Expatriates are referred to parent country national employees who are transferred abroad by MNCs to manage overseas subsidiaries, for a specified period of time, usually ranging between 2-5 years (Harzing & Van Ruysseveldt, 2004), this dissertation used this definitions.
The concept of knowledge is very complex, involving philosophy, psychology, economics, management science and other fields, thus, there is no a consistent definition. As this study is to research the knowledge transfer in MNCs, thus we explain the meaning of organizational knowledge from the perspective of the organization. Organizational knowledge is a comparative concept with individual knowledge. There must be ways to communicate and teach the individual's information to the rest of the
organization, to make individual knowledge become organizational knowledge.
 Davenport et al (1999) point out that knowledge is the dynamic combination of structured experience, values, related information and expert insights. He believes in the organization, knowledge is not only in documents and databases, but also embedded in the daily work, processes, practices and norms of the organization. It is also defined as all the knowledge and practical skills of the individual, group or organization which can improve organizational efficiency and conducive to the organization (Shen, 2006).

    1.2 The research objectives and questions
This dissertation will centre on the knowledge transfer in the international assignments from the perspective of learning. There are three main research questions:

    1. What should multinational corporations do before the international assignment to make the expatriates transfer knowledge more effectively in the overseas assignments and after return? This questions mainly on what should do to make the expatriates learn more knowledge and make them transfer more and better knowledge which involved the channels, time, policies and reward of the knowledge transfer. In other words, this means how do multinational corporations make international assignment helpful for the expatriates to transfer knowledge?

    2. What is the whole process of the expatriates’ knowledge transfer or what and how many stages formed the whole process? This process may include the preparation of the knowledge transfer and the use of the knowledge.  

    3. What is the relationship of the knowledge transfer and organizational learning? This question is about the using knowledge to help organizational learning which mainly focused on the effects of the knowledge from expatriates. In special speaking, it may be said that how do multinational corporations make the knowledge transfer facilitate the organizational learning?

    4. What are the facilitative and inhibiting factors affecting repatriate knowledge transfer to work units?

    According to the research questions and the recent background of the relevant research, on the basis of considering the international assignment and organizational learning as a whole learning process, the key research objectives are as follows:

    1. Build up a comprehensive framework ----the model of ”expatriate learning process“ in international assignment on the basis of the Welch's employment career of expatriate model and model of expiates’ effective retuning.

    2. Help the MNCs understand the whole process of the knowledge transfer by the expatriates and the facilitative and inhibiting factors affecting repatriate knowledge transfer to work units. The information on the process of expatriates’ learning and knowledge transfer will make the MNCs recognize what they should do in each stage to make expatriates well learning and get more and better knowledge from international assignments.