商务英语翻译:Profiting from Apple's war with Google

发布时间:2011-05-14 13:38:53 论文编辑:第一代写网

Profiting from Apple's war with Google

A trader who is long on AAPL and short on GOOG says Steve Jobs is taking Google down It's been a busy couple of weeks for revelations about Steve Jobs' falling out with Google's Eric Schmidt.
    On March 12, we had Brad Stone and Michael Helft's piece in the New York Times about the two CEO's long-running "spat." It included an account of a particularly 商务英语翻译"fierce" and "heated" meeting in 2008 in which an angry Steve Jobs told Google (GOOG) executives that if they deployed a version of multitouch in an Android phone, he would sue.
    Google deployed and, as promised, Apple (AAPL) sued, although its target — at least at first — was not Google but its smartphone manufacturer, HTC.
    Then on Monday we were treated to Valleywag's gossipy description of a one-sided phone conversation that took place shortly after news broke that HTC was building an Android phone. Jobs, according to this account, "shouted" and "railed" at Google's CEO until Schmidt's face went "weird."
    "Steve was very, very upset," Schmidt is said to have later told a companion. "My God, he was so angry."
    It's in this context that Jason Schwarz, an investment analyst with a knack for self promotion — through a newsletter, an e-book, and a new hardcover book — writes that "Google is in trouble … They've ruffled the wrong feathers." Having gone long on Apple and short on Google, he's betting that Google is headed to $300 a share — and doing his best to help it get there.
  /  In a piece posted on Seeking Alpha Wednesday, he cites five factors contributing to Google's supposed "demise." It's totally self serving, so take it with a grain of salt. But his list of Google's problems say a lot about how at least some Wall Street insiders view the rivalry. The highlights:
    1. Leadership. "This company is running like a chicken with its head cut off," Schwarz writes. "CEO Eric Schmidt is flying solo without the help of founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin who are actually selling shares themselves."
    2. Profitable Innovation. Google is having trouble making money from anything but search, which is why, he says, hardly a week goes by without word of another Google innovation. "Last week it was Google broadband. This week it’s Google TV. It’s all a big joke. Even Android is a joke."
    3. Mobile Search Competition. "The problem for Google," he writes, "is that the mobile Internet relies on applications rather than websites. Apple controls more than half of the mobile Web market share and Google is one Steve Jobs decision away from being left out of the Apple ecosystem."
    4. Brand Trust. "Nexus One was a disaster on so many levels… While Apple spent years securing patents to protect the intellectual property of the iPhone, Google is late to the game and is running scared. How much money will consumers invest in Android apps when they know Google offers no Tablet and might not continue with the Nexus One?"
    5. China. "This China thing has been catastrophic for Google. After struggling to gain any share from Baidu (BIDU), Google is out of a country that has more Internet users than the U.S. has people. Not good."
    It's always a mistake to read too much into what Wall Street does on any one day, but the market seems to be betting with Schwarz. At the close of trading Wednesday, Apple had set yet another all-time high ($229.37). Google, have fallen as much as 10 points during the day, managed to close at $557.33 — above it's opening price but more than 70 points off its 52-week high.







    最近两周,频频传出史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)与谷歌(Google)的埃里克•施密特(Eric Schmidt)争吵的消息。
    3月12日,布拉德•斯通(Brad Stone)与迈克尔•赫尔伏特(Michael Helft)在《纽约时报》(New York Times)上撰文称上述两位首席执行官长期“争吵”。文中描述了一次格外商务英语翻译“激烈的”争吵:2008年,史蒂夫•乔布斯生气地向谷歌高管表示,假如谷歌在Android手机上采用多重触控技术,他将起诉谷歌。
    就是在这个背景下,投资分析师詹森•施瓦茨(Jason Schwarz)写道:“谷歌要倒霉了……他们惹了不该惹的人。” 施瓦茨擅长通过简报、电子书、精装书等进行自我推销。他做多苹果、做空谷歌,并下注谷歌的股价将跌至每股300美元,他正在不遗余力地想把谷歌拉下马。
    本周三,施瓦茨在博客网站Seeking Alpha上发表博文,列举了他认为谷歌将“灭亡”的5大理由。这篇博文完全是一面之词,所以不能全信。不过施瓦茨列举出的谷歌的问题,至少很好的反映了某些华尔街人士对谷歌苹果龙虎斗的看法。施瓦茨博文的要点如下:
    1.领导力。施瓦茨写道:“谷歌就像一只无头苍蝇,其首席执行官埃里克•施密特在单打独干,创始人拉里•佩奇(Larry Page)和谢尔盖•布林(Sergey Brin)根本不管事,实际上他们正在抛售谷歌的股票。”
    4.品牌信任度。“在诸多层面上来说,Nexus One都是一个彻底失败……苹果花了好些年获得专利,以保护iPhone的知识产权,而谷歌则初来乍到、战战兢兢。倘若消费者得知谷歌没有平板电脑产品,而且可能不会继续推出Nexus One,他们还会在Android应用上花多少钱?”