文书范文 Sample Essays-推荐信范文样本-留学推荐信模板-推荐信范例汇总

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文书范文 Sample Essays-推荐信范文样本-留学推荐信模板-推荐信范例汇总

文书范文 Sample Essays

Dear University Admissions Committee,

  I am a member of the NPC Financial and Economic Committee and vice president of China's Enterprise Reform and Development Society. I have previously served as chairman and general manager of China Everbright Group, president of China Bank of Communications, chairman of China Pacific Insurance, and Deputy Mayor of Wuhan. As her former employer, I would like to take this opportunity to officially recommend ***to study in [school name]. From being an extremely gifted child, she has grown into an intelligent, perceptive and capable young person, qualities which shine through in everything she does.

  ***has been an intern in the Everbright Bank on three separate occasions, and each time she made a deep impression on me. When she first arrived she had only just graduated from middle school, and due to her youth was assigned the inconsequential task of making an inventory of all office supplies and stock. Undaunted, she systematically visited every office in the entire building, turning all the warehouses upside down in her search for stock. When the job was complete, what she gave back to me was a comprehensive and reader-friendly Excel inventory list, a true testament to her work attitude.

  In her second internship role at the bank, ***joined the investment division and assisted in analyzing investment risk and making trading decisions. ***loved this work, and was keen to learn as much as she could, spending two consecutive summers in the office working together with the paid employees. The professional experience she gained in this role laid a solid foundation for her future study and career.

  With the above work experience under her belt, on her third internship I gave ***the chance to take part in some important activities, including some tasks in preparing the bank for a market listing. With her intelligence and dedication to learn, she found her feet very quickly, becoming familiar with a series of specific procedures needed to be carried out before listing, and in doing so gained a lot of knowledge that cannot easily be found in a textbook.

    ***is different from her peers in that she has a very good brain for finance and investment that belies her youth. The games she likes to play online are not the ordinary ones, but rather virtual stock market trading games. At the tender age of fifteen,***could not wait to invest the money she had earned from her internships and selling patents into the stock market, incredibly making nearly two thousand dollars on her first day. When a lot of people asked her why she was interested in investing, she smiled and explained she enjoyed the feeling of having the courage to overcome greed and fear.

      ***also has a compassionate side. I once heard a story about her: she was out with her family when they ran into an old woman clutching a tattered basket of neatly arrayed gardenias.***unexpectedly doubled back to buy some flowers and after some time rejoined her family, out of breath. They were puzzled: "You can’t possibly wear these flowers, why buy them?" Li Wenxi replied "That old lady sells flowers here every day, but it’s already noon today and she’s hardly sold a single one, so I wanted to help her open her account."
Her parents questioned “Then you could have just tipped her and chosen a few flowers at random, why did you take so long?" Li Wenxi laughed and said:" Because I wanted that old lady to know that money was earned from her labor, not someone else’s charity. This way when she gets home tonight she will sleep peacefully.” It was a tiny gesture, but I will always remember those words of hers. As a business professional, I admire her both for her skills she has learnt through study, and her kind and empathetic character. Only these who appreciate and value people can ever be truly successful.

  ***is remarkable in a number of ways. Her strong interest in finance, her ability to think and analyze quickly, and her flexible and honest approach to work and life all lead me to believe that she can find success on a greater stage. My firm confidence in her, a confidence founded on fact, is the reason why I have no hesitation in recommending her to your program to further her studies.

 数学老师推荐信 英文版 
In the capacity of his math teacher, I have been teaching Mr. ** for approximately two years.  The words “excellent” or “good grades” cannot simply tell the whole story about this young man.  It might do him a more fair service for me to present you a life story about Mr. **—a story that shows how he has overcome all the difficulties encountered during his way, ups and downs, to his eventual success in this subject.  In the last two-year fight against adverse odds, Mr.** has made painstaking efforts, slowly but surely, to distinguish himself among his peers. 
  Up to now I have been feeling guilty about an event that occurred two years ago.  On one of the exams, Mr. ** achieved a disappointing result: 52/100, which was utterly unbelievable to a model student whose behavior was the frequent subject for copying and recommendation. Once I heard of the grade, I indiscriminately scolded him, even with some harsh words. 
  After some subsequent investigation, I found out that Mr. ** suffered from a rare disability—cross-lateral vision. He was born with a severe weak eyesight that impaired his stereoscopic perception of distant objects.  At 9, he received an operation, but the surgery did not significantly improve his stereoscopic cognition.  This physical handicap means that all the objects appeared to be plane geometry (2D figures), so he could neither recognize nor interpret any 3D geometry, not to mention any complicated analysis or calculations.  To make the matter worse, the emphasis of his 11th and 12th grades was on stereoscopic geometry, so his eye impairment worked heavily against his grades. 
  The next day after the exam, Mr. ** came to my office, asking earnestly for extra help.  Instead of harboring any grudges against my indiscriminate criticism, he demonstrated a firm determination to conquer the math subject—to be the master of his own destiny.  This very action has clearly indicated a maturity not often seen in a 16-year-old.  Together we laid out all the possible alternatives to fight against the biological forces.  Both of us were aware of the fact that it is no easy to trample the physical impediment brought by cross-laterality. 
  The often-used “dummy way” to solve the problem was in actuality designed on his own.  That is, to train his stereoscopic vision by staring at the wall corners and feeling around the indoor furniture.  Very often in class, I noticed his eye-blinking activities and could not figure out why.  He replied to me, embarrassingly: “Just a bit eye strain from long-time focusing on the wall corners.”  Later, he revealed to me the details: during the different time of a day, the sun rays move their angles and positions, which offers me a good opportunity to perceive thus-formed stereoscopic patterns.  Besides the approach, he would bring a few little things to school, such as tea kettle, pencil box, wooden rulers, jigsaw puzzles, etc.  In class, he could more easily follow my instructions by placing the little things into different positions and make corresponding adjustments, thereby constructing various stereoscopic structures.  On one of the home visits, his father disclosed another secret about his training: he would often shut himself in a room, switching off all the lights and observing the light waves from a flashlight.  All the efforts are for one aim: to train and reinforce spatial relationship. 
  After laying a rudimentary foundation in stereoscopic thinking, Mr. ** embarked upon numerous practice.  By “numerous”, it is not an easily conceivable number by the standards of common people.  Rather, I mean dozens of exercise books, worn and torn repeatedly.  This phenomenon amount of hands-on practice can, in his own words, compensate for his natural defects.  True to his words, he did manage to reach a level admired by his peers. 
  Gradually and obviously, his math grades were going up, from the initial 52, to 72, and finally to 92.  The upward trend seems unstoppable, and now he is able to demolish the solid math with seeming ease.  Recently he breezed the math section in the National College Entrance Examination!  At this news, all the math teachers jumped high in the air, as if they had won a colossal lottery.  At a recent press conference, Mr. ** gave a public speech, saying emotionally: “My visual defect did not and will not impede me, by any means, in my academic pursuits.  On the contrary, it will only train me to be a stronger man in the face of difficulties.”  Many of his peers admire him for his courage and perseverance, saying: “Ju Chen sets up a role model, who never gives up, never gives in to the obstacles.” 
  As always, I nurture the long-held belief that a man who is able to defeat physiological disadvantages and eventually win a triumph will be bound to succeed in his future endeavors. Such a man is worth 200% of my recommendation.  Likewise, such a student will prove himself to be an asset to your university, once he is admitted. 

 数学老师推荐信 中文版 








  我是郭x的父亲,现为国家教育部艺术教育委员会委员,中国大陆第一位专门研究学校艺术教育的教育学博士学位获得者,曾于2007年9月至2008年9月在美国哥伦比亚大学教育学院(Teachers College, Columbia University)访学一年。





  初三有段时间,每晚6点左右,我总能从办公室隐约地听到从天花板传来的 “咚咚咚”的声响。我为此深感诧异,因为这个时候早已放学。有一天,我终于忍不住跑到楼上的教室一看究竟:只见零件与木屑弄了一地,而刘泽西正拿着锤子在敲打他的木椅子。他很入神,以致对我的到来没有丝毫察觉。直到快把椅子弄好时,他才看到我。他赶忙向我问好,并致以歉意,如果噪音太大,对我的工作带来了影响,他会晚些时候再进行他的工作。




Dear Sir/Madam:
At the request of Mr. **, an undergraduate student of mine in the Department of Computer Science at Hunan Normal University, I am pleased to be his reference in support of his application for admission to the graduate program of his choice, and departmental assistantship to fund his studies. 
In the 2006 to 2007 academic year, I taught Principles of Computer Composition and Digital Logic, a course open to sophomores as a requirement for graduation.  Mr. Feng did not stand out for my immediate attention out of the 50 students simply because they were all hard working.  But a few weeks later, he was beginning to differentiate himself from others in that the questions he raised, in and out of class, showed his profundity, I cannot say that everything he asked was cutting edge, but nothing was superficial.  I remember one time when he talked about the rationale behind Digital Logic and its correlation with mathematical model in calculus.  I was taken aback at his way of thinking, away from the conventional prototype and close to the innovative spirit two decades ahead of time.  Later I found out, through our private conversations, that the reason he always stays on top of the computer advances is because of his extensive reading of computer journals in English.  In his own words, he commented, “compared with his peers, he is equipped with an extra pair of eyes, that is, English faculty, which enables him to stand higher and see farther.”  While showing all the respect for authorities, Mr. Feng is never content with what they have to say, but to test the merits of what they actually said.  Personally, I believe this kind of “never satisfied” spirit is a quality necessary for a successful computer scientist.  Because of this, a sufficient credit should go to him. 
Determined by its theoretical focus and the university requirement for graduation, this course does not have many laboratory sessions for experimental purpose, but one of the assigned laboratory work was to test Moore’s theorem via the simple chip machine, all the students but Feng lost their way and busied themselves with searching for a ready-made answer from the textbook.  It was from this experience that I came to conclude that Feng was the only one in his class who managed to combine his learning with practical application. 
At his graduation ceremony, Feng made a mention of his plan to pursue a Ph.D. career and was unsure about choosing a domestic or foreign institute for his study.  After going over a careful “cost-benefit” analysis, I suggested that it would in his best interest to earn his Ph.D. in the United States, giving that his English ability would complement his research in the cutting-edge computer domain.  I find it extremely encouraging when Feng told me the selected areas and reasons for his future study, which clearly shows he has purposefully matched his existing training to the future education.  My experience as a professor convinces me that it is far more likely for those students to succeed when they know what they are doing and for what reason.  Equally comforting is the fact that Feng has demonstrated a psychological maturity when he related to the potential setbacks he would encounter and way to overcome them. 
Since he has determined his future plan, I have all the reason to believe that he will make a successful student in your school, so I am showing my full support for his admission to his selected graduate program. 
Yours, sincerely
Professor: Liu **
College of Computer and Mathematics
Hunan Normal University
E-mail: liuhong@hunnu.edu.cn
     我们湘西少数民族的艺术天赋总会降落在少数天才身上。作为 ** 的小学美术老师,我看到了这个天赋在他身上的显露与发挥。我们少数民族聚居地,虽然没有发达的交通,没有先进的技术,却保留着最原始的艺术激情与方式,比如说我们用树叶做乐器,用泥土做器皿,用稻草编制衣物,并手把手传承给下一代。我们在课堂上所教授就是这些最古朴、最有地域色彩的湖南湘西少数民族文化。 ** 是这群孩子当中,对民族文化民间艺术最感兴趣的。“撕纸”是苗族的一种古老的民间工艺,撕纸者需根据自己的想象力和记忆力抛开图纸来进行创作。 ** 的作品包括各种我们民族的图腾和形态各异的生肖脸谱,并被刊登到了《儿童手工实验课程——乡土篇》——我们地区儿童美术教学课程。
     除了他的天赋,更值得肯定的是 ** 对于他学校校友的热爱,对家乡的热爱、和对他民族艺术的热爱。小学毕业后,他每年都会数次回到学校,教学弟学妹们撕纸、刻纸等系列民族工艺,并协助老师开展各种活动。即使到遥远的长沙南雅中学上高中以后,他也在每年的暑假返校带领学生们参加文化节的活动。我们学校的学生不管是低年级还是高年级,都把他作为学习的榜样;他也能叫出每一个学弟学妹的名字,激励他们努力积累家乡的文化精华,同时也刻苦学习,争取像他一样能考到大城市的最好的中学里,并宣扬我们少数民族的文化。他就这样在我们学校里积累了大批的追随者,每当过节时,学校都会有很多同学给他写集体信,报告他们成绩的进步,寄去他们做的美术作品。他还积极参与到吉首市文化局每年举办的“民族民间旅游商品暨民间工艺评选大赛”。今年的活动期间他又像往常一样,每天穿梭在图书馆及文化局之间,搜集整理背景信息,布置活动展台;从不索取任何报酬,也从不挑轻松的事情做,还每天笑咪咪的给大家鼓励和帮助。活动结束后,一位80几岁的艺术家,特地将自己的获奖作品送给了 ** ,让他兴奋了很久。
     ** 用他开阔的眼光看待故乡的民间艺术,他知道这是我们民族的无价之宝。他用普通高中生没有的爱和关怀对待他的学弟学妹,他知道他们是我们民族和地区未来的希望。在我看来,他已经是我最富有,也最拥有希望的学生。我认为他来到美国将会对贵校有所贡献。为此我愿意竭力向你们推荐他。




