
发布时间:2011-05-26 15:07:21 论文编辑:第一代写网

This clarification of material usage has been made necessary by some of my other students. In order to avoid the abuses I’m repeatedly seeing in my other classes, I’m 代写留学生作业going to have to get very specific on the handling of outside materials.
If you’re written your paper correctly, this really shouldn’t impact you. This guide is meant to avoid general issues I have repeatedly seen recently.
In-class Materials
• If you are using information from the textbook, powerpoints or lecture, you do not need to footnote it, as I expect you to be working from such works.
• If you want to use exact phrases from the textbook, you must put it inside quotation marks and either footnote it or give a parenthetical reference. (Levack, 29) or (Perry, 54) are acceptable references for textbook material. Quotations should be used sparingly, if at all.
• If you want to paraphrase the textbook, you still need to give a citation. My suggestion is simply to not paraphrase. Either quote it exactly, or use entirely your own words.
Additional Materials
This assignment requires no outside readings. Should you choose to use outside readings:
• If you want to use exact phrases from the source, you must put it inside quotation marks and footnote it. Web sources must include the URL for the specific page. Quotations should be used sparingly, if at all.
http://www.1daixie.com/liuxueshengzuoye/If you want to use any information from outside sources, you need to footnote the source, regardless whether you are paraphrasing (which I still suggest you not doing), or simply using the information. This will get around exactly what constitutes “paraphrasing.” Gratuitous paraphrasing will cause your grade to suffer.

Rules of Thumb
• If you’re considering doing something that will only fly if your professor is an idiot, don’t do it. I’m not an idiot. Several students are learning this the hard way.
• If I can find a source that you are clearly working from, and there is no citation, I’m going to presume you’re cheating.
• If you give me a paper full of quotations, you won’t be accused of cheating. However, you also won’t have given me anything to grade you on, and your grade will 代写留学生作业suffer.
• If you have questions, ask.
Staple your papers! I can’t believe I even need to ask this. It’s very, very easy to lose part of your paper if pages are not stapled. Staplers are both cheap and readily available. Thanks.