留学生社会哲学作业-Definition of culture in ethical relativism and un

发布时间:2012-01-20 09:19:34 论文编辑:留学生社会哲学作

Definition of culture in ethical relativism and universalism文化的定义、普遍主义的大社会道德相对主义








Ethical relativism is denial of universal ethical norms and regulations. It also rejects the existence of the objective ethical criterion. The main problem in different cultures is that the question about morality isn’t settled and the common moral norms are not invented. In most cases disagreements between different cultures appear because of disagreements in facts. So, regulation of the most important facts leads to the solution of this problem. Another source of cultural disagreements and so criticism of other cultures are caused by differences of values. They are fundamental moral disagreements and their solution is practically impossible.
According to cultural ethical relativism morality is a matter of the culture. So basic definitions are interpreted taking this fact into account. For example, “right”, “bad”, “good”, “virtuous” are correlated with the thing approved by the society. Moral principles of the individuality are formed according to the social morality. The conclusion is that people should follow moral norms and laws of their own society. Their own morality gives them a possibility to judge and so criticize all the other cultures.
Ethical universalism is an exact antithesis to ethical relativism. Ethical universalism supposes the existence of the fundamental moral principles that are correct everywhere and are suitable for all people in similar situations. These principles are hidden and it’s not very easy to find them, so all the time appear arguments about them. Moral errors and blunders also take place because these basic principles are hard to find.
Ethical relativism denies the main points of universalism. Its good probative evidence is the absence of one universal morality in the modern world. Societies can’t find mutual consent in the question of the morality. Culture influences the formation of the morality and culture is a subjective phenomenon so its products can’t be universal and common. Fundamental moral disagreements would never be solved.
Universalism proposes its own argument to protect its theoretical base and to criticize ethical relativism. It disproves all the arguments of their opponents against universalism. Societies disagree about morality, but they also disagree about some historical, geographical, biological facts but it doesn’t mean that there isn’t one correct answer to the questions in these spheres, the same situation is with the morality. Representatives of universalism argue that all the products of culture can’t be objective or universal. Science is the product of culture, but scientific laws are universal so morality can be universal.
Ethical relativism and universalism develop across, inventing new arguments against their opponents’ theory and consolidating their positions. Ethical relativism denying all the other cultures and morality believes in the morality of a definite society. It follows from thesis that we can take anything from other cultures and mustn’t take them as an example. If all the societies form and develop their own moralities there is no chance to lead the world ethics to any progress./ 
Universalism implies the existence of the universal objective truth. So those, who find this truth must spread it among other people, but in a such way people lose independence and free choice in life. At the same time conception of the universal truth excludes tolerance to other cultures and moralities. Both ethical relativism and universalism are not perfect and will develop further.


1.Alexander, Jeffrey C. (1995). Fin de Siecle Social Theory. Relativism, Reduction and the Problem of Reason. Verso, London.
2. Ladd, John, ed. (1985). Ethical Relativism. Lanham: University Press of America.