留学文书个人陈述文书范文-个人陈述 Personal Statement-PS(留学PS 英文版)

发布时间:2011-08-29 13:33:52 论文编辑:第一代写网

第一代写网提供留学文书个人陈述文书范文-个人陈述 Personal Statement-PS(留学PS 英文版 

个人陈述 Personal Statement

  首要的工作便是了解印刷电路图和音响构造。从《中学生科技》读本上,我将这些问题一一解决了。接下来便是筹备器材,诸如电焊、电路板、电子元件、扬声器等等。当初,光一个电焊就把我难住了。从社会上接触焊接技术的机会很少,看杂志也并未提供过多的细节,电子元件之间的连接到底是用橡胶导线还是直接用元件的引脚也搞不懂。我大胆尝试用引脚做导线,这种自我发明的土办法带来一系列麻烦:我要注意引脚的氧化膜是否除干净,并定期用刀片刮掉以防止接触不良,而且引脚掰来掰去容易折断。这些都考验了我的耐力与细心。好在我都挺过来了。不过,我操作电烙铁的技术不敢恭维,有时冒着青烟的松节油滴落在我手上,让我心头一紧;250摄氏度高温的烙铁头不时也舔舐一下我的皮肤,让我哇哇直叫;我的眼睛连续三四个小时盯着那些几毫米长的花花绿绿的零件以至于发绿。我弯腰伏在音响上,这时屋外传来邻居孩子们踢足球的欢笑声。而我被心中美妙的音乐声驱动,眼看着音响在我的制作中逐渐成型。在改造我的音响与MP3 接口时,更大的困难出现了。音响接口是用于DVD/VCD 上的,与MP3的接口完全不同。首先能够插入mp3耳机孔的插针额构造我当时还不懂,不知道插针额的三个极中正极负极和零线如何区分,我从3cs007耳机上剪下它的耳机插针,一个电极一个电极地试;耳机插针弄坏了几个,我开始向同学讨要废旧耳机,甚至有勇气拿个木棒子去垃圾堆挑捡。当同学们把他们不屑一顾的破烂送给我,看到我如获至宝的模样会为此惊讶莫名。而我不愿解释,埋头苦干。

  功夫不负有心人。一个月后,音响完成了。当外观歪歪扭扭的扬声器中传出音质优美的Billie Joe Armstrong 沙哑的歌声时,我感受到了一股前所未有的惬意与欢欣。这里有艺术的魅力,也有科学的力量。这个世界,不就是被艺术的心点燃,用科学的手打开吗?我会紧握科学的手,也会怀抱艺术的心,我不会辜负自己心灵手巧的天赋。
   ·PS(留学PS 英文版) 
  One night in 2009, I was jolted awake from my sleep in the small living room by a loud thud coming from the bedroom. My mother had fallen down. It turned out she had read somewhere that keeping a night light on for long periods was very bad for sleep quality, so she had turned it off, and not wanting to switch it back on and disturb my father sleeping beside her, she had tried to negotiate her way to the bathroom using just the faint light glowing through the window.  Looking at my mother’s swollen knees, I suddenly realized that my strong and wise mother, who had always been there for me when I needed help, was also weak, would also grow old.  It was her tender hands that soothed my wounds when I was hurt - what could I do to return such love and care? For several days I slept fitfully, my mind obsessed with the idea of inventing a machine, a loving machine that would allow my mother to go to the bathroom every night in safety.

       I was a complete mechanical novice, and so Google and electrical spare parts store owners became my sources of wisdom. When I first discovered that my setup was not working, I used a multimeter to test each connection in turn, and found that the problem was in the cold solder joint (there was an oxide film on the pin preventing the tin from sticking, which resulted in poor conduction). I googled how to fix cold solder joints, and soon learned that I needed sandpaper to remove the oxide film from the pin, and then apply a small amount of resin to the head of the electric soldering iron to solve the problem. I duly did this and tested again, but there was still no response from the relay. By this time, many of the spare parts store owners were beginning to recognize this high school student who pestered them with questions. They helped me analyze the problem and in the end suggested that I use a Darlington optocoupler to amplify the current and voltage and carry the load. However, there were thousands of optocoupler models, and no one knew which one was the best one for this situation. Having initially imagined that experimenting four or five times would be sufficient, I soon discovered that nothing I did seemed to work. And so I tried again and again, quite unconsciously making three more trips to the parts store, until on my twenty-seventh attempt, the tiny LED finally lit up. High temperatures caused by constant experimenting, sometimes for hours a day, had burned out an electric solder iron.

       At last, after blistering my hands and receiving countless electric shocks, the machine was ready. It was a lovely and safe little thing: there were automatic sensors at both the head and foot of the bed, so my mother only had to step out of bed and lights embedded in the floor would flicker on, forming a trail that led all the way to the bathroom. When she returned to bed, the lights would automatically switch off, and my mother could go back to sleep in darkness.  After I installed my invention at home, the next day I asked her if she was sleeping better. She smiled from ear to ear, saying she still couldn’t sleep, but now it was because she was too excited and happy to sleep.

       A year and half later, that small machine has got a patent, and I am in the process of approaching big companies to arrange mass production – because the market research has been very positive, and the product is cheap and durable, it was only the problem with intellectual property rights that was holding things back. I have left my mother to study in the US. When I call her, she tells me that the little machine is working like clockwork and has never broken down, that not only has she not fallen again, but that the machine is even a comforting presence. She says that when she sees these small lights at night, she feels as if I am still at home. Now that I think about it, perhaps this is already reward enough.














 ·Relevant Experience in studies and research: 
  As an adage states, “the highest eminence is achieved not by a single jump, but by a series of smaller steps.” From ‘Day One’ as a university student of computer science, I have dedicated myself entirely to the preparation of a solid foundation towards a future Ph.D. program in this fascinating field. I knew, from the outset, that a solid footing in mathematics and logical thinking is crucial to a successful practitioner in the computing profession. With this understanding, I made a careful blueprint of an academic plan for my 4-year college study – that is, putting a primary emphasis on mathematics and C++ for the first year, and a systematic study of Java, compilation, utilizing Data Structure, SCM and Basic for the second year. It turned out that the first two years ended in productivity, which served as a milestone for the fruitful completion of the last two years. After that, my new focus was shifted on a more in-depth analysis of the Internet Network, System security, Software Engineering and Electronic Circuit and explorations in SQL Server 2005 and Network Engineering.
  For me, mathematics has an inherent correlation to the study of algorithms, trees and binary trees in Data Structure, both of which I excelled at. Over the course of college study, I took the initiative to assume a leading role in a number of hands-on projects, including programming and compiling of independent software projects such as a small-scale operating system and a mini-lathe system through the application of SCM knowledge and compilation techniques.  On quite a few occasions, I managed to debug a hardware system for a better functioning of network efficiency. During my four-year undergraduate study, I was honored with quite a number of “top-student” scholarships, such as annual scholarships awarded by the National Association of Inspirational Innovations and the title of “Three-Good Student” (a national program since 1945 recognizing the virtues of moral integrity, intellectual success and sporting excellence). My accumulative GPA of 85/100 ranked me in the top out of 50 students. When looking back at the journey covered, I have to say all these achievements are closely related to a solid footing in mathematics, a subject essential to the comprehension of the disciplines involving System Security and Database in the modern computer science field. 
  Like any serious researcher, I am not content with what I’ve achieved so far, but seek every opportunity to further my abilities in problem-solving and practical application, without which a computer scientist could hardly go far. By following my professors’ example, I am now in a better position to put theories into practice. To this end, I have been strategically accumulating the precious experiences of dealing with practical issues. In one such experience, I assisted my professor to organize an extensive network in a corporation and set up the database system to supervise staff. Not only did I gain valuable problem-solving experience, I also dedicated myself to the laboratory – often the best place to test raw thoughts and initial hypotheses for confirmation or elimination. My professor showed me how to organize a virtual database specific to the given conditions and environmental perimeters. As a novice in the lab, I was eager to perform like an elite specialist, while my professor reminded me of the importance of patience and humility, stating “If you want to reach the highest, start at the lowest”.
  Accompanied by recognition of the significance of self-culture and analytical skills to detect problems, I am strict with myself, both on design and program compiling projects, especially on the holistic principles of formulating and assurance of the overall situation. In this area, the quicker a program can display satisfactory and concise results, the more valuable this project will prove to be. At the same time, I am deeply inspired by the ability to work with others, sharing ideas, translating intangible concepts into realized solutions.
  Today, all successful organizations have realized the importance of high-performance database management systems that give a strategic edge over their rivals in the competitive marketplace. Highly-specialized skills are required to design, configure, and manage these data warehouses. On the basis of the demands of such a business and technological environment, I am convinced that advanced studies in database science will enable me to fulfill my long-cherished dream as a database expert, building toward a challenging career in this dynamic field. 
  With this clear career objective in place, I feel it imperative to complete a Ph.D. study within four to five years. It is my expectation that this type of rigorous study will certainly lift my knowledge base to a much higher level, to the specification of a leading researcher or scholar in an entity, whether it is a higher learning institution or a front-end research center.  I understand that what I have achieved to this day merely constitutes the first step in this long journey filled with challenges and opportunities. No matter what lies ahead, I am firmly determined that this path will lead me to the ultimate success in my career, because I know for sure that nothing is impossible as long as you put your heart onto it. 
  To the best of my knowledge, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz, has a high scholarly ranking, with a national and international reputation for a pool of excellent faculty and staff. What is equally appealing is an atmosphere that is conducive to learning, teaching, and academic originality.  One of the most attractive factors is the research areas that perfectly match my training, achievements and interests. With my solid footing in the related subjects, I am fully convinced that I am the right candidate who is worth your serious consideration for admission and assistantship awards. 




