代写英语论文选题:《克里斯蒂失踪迷案》(节选) 汉译实践报告

发布时间:2024-05-10 20:33:38 论文编辑:vicky


Chapter 1 Task Description

1.1 Selection of the Source Text 

The source text chosen for translation practice is the book The Christie Affair published in 2022. This book is a suspense novel with a distinctive style. Before commencing the translation work, the translator has contacted the author of the source text and confirmed that there is no published Chinese translation of the source text. The translation practice selects the part one of the source text, totaling 11,035 words. The translation has a word count of 20,269 words. These meet the criteria of translation practice. 

The narratives in the book are a blend of real-life events and the author‟s creative imaginings. Appropriate control the propriety of the two during translation requires careful consideration. The source text tells other people‟s stories from a first-person perspective, not only bringing in other people‟s emotional activities for association and imagination, but also interspersed with the narrator‟s personal experience review. This kind of multi-threaded storyline that constantly intersperses reality and memories is also a big challenge in translation practice. The content of the source text is closely connected, and there is a strong correlation between the contexts. There are also some seemingly independent and disconnected short sentences. These characteristics of the source text are the reasons for selecting it as the subject of translation practice. 


1.2 Analysis of the Source Text

An introduction to The Christie Affair and its author is made in this section, along with a presentation of background knowledge based on the uniqueness of the source text.

1.2.1 Introduction to The Christie Affair and author

The source text, The Christie Affair written by Nina de Grammont, is based on the real-life experience of the famous writer Agatha Christie. Agatha Christie, the world-famous writer known as “the Queen of Crime”, disappeared on 3rd December, 1926. As for this mystery disappearance, and many truths and circumstances cannot be deciphered yet. The Christie Affair is the author Nina‟s reconstruction and speculation about Christie‟s disappearance.

Nina de Gramont‟s latest novel, The Christie Affair, is an international and New York Times bestseller, and the Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick for February, 2022. Nina is also the author of a collection of short stories, as well as the novels Gossip of the Starlings and The Last September. She has written several YA novels, Every Little Thing in the World, Meet Me at the River, The Boy I Love. Additionally, authored The Distance From Me to You using the pen name Marina Gessner. Nina teaches creative writing at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She lives with her daughter, her dog Isabelle, and her husband, the writer David Gessner. 

Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework

2.1 Overview of Relevance Theory

Relevance Theory, proposed jointly by Danish cognitive scientist Dan Sperber and British philosopher of language Deirdre Wilson in 1986, is a significant cognitive science theory (Cao, 2017). This theory aims to explain how individuals process information during communication and comprehension processes and why certain information is considered relevant within specific contexts (Cook, 1989). 

The core concepts of Relevance Theory encompass “relevance”, “cognitive effort”, and “optimal relevance” (Gutt, 1989). “Relevance” is at the heart of Relevance Theory and refers to whether information is related to an individual‟s cognition and context. “Cognitive effort” represents an individual‟s attempt to minimize cognitive effort in acquiring maximally relevant information during information processing (Cao, 2019). “Optimal relevance” involves balancing the value and cost of information, where individuals choose information that provides the highest relevance effect (Sperber, 1995). Since communicators aim to realize their communicative intentions, they have an obligation to ensure that their expressions enter the listener‟s mind and that there is optimal relevance between what they express and what they intend (Gutt, 1991). Within Relevance Theory, the principle of relevance plays a pivotal role, indicating that individuals strive for optimal relevance during information processing (Wang, 2005). The cognitive principle suggests that individual‟s cognitive efforts tend to align with maximal relevance, emphasizing the focus on information that is most cognitively relevant (Wang, 2003). 

2.2 Application of Relevance Theory

The application of Relevance Theory in literary translation practice is where theory truly comes to life. It guides translator in the intricate process of conveying the essence of a literary work while ensuring that the translated text maintains cognitive relevance for its readers. Preserving cognitive relevance is at the core of Relevance Theory‟s application in literary translation. Translator faces the delicate task of faithfully representing the nuances of source text (ST) while ensuring that the target text (TT) resonates with the cognitive expectations of the target language readers. 

Translating a suspenseful novel that uses foreshadowing techniques in the source text to build anticipation among readers. The challenge for the literary translator is to convey this sense of anticipation effectively in the TT, maintaining the cognitive relevance of the narrative‟s tension. This often involves selecting words, phrases, or sentence structures that evoke similar feelings in the target language readers. Relevance Theory emphasizes the importance of selective information transfer in translation, ensuring that the TT conveys essential information without overwhelming the reader with extraneous details (Aoife, 2023). In considering a classic work of literature with rich subplots and intricate character backgrounds, the literary translator must determine which of these details to include in the TT to uphold cognitive relevance for the readers. The selection process is guided by the overarching goal of preserving the essence of the original work while guaranteeing that the translated version remains coherent and relevant to its new audience. 

Chapter 3 Translation Process ......................... 12

3.1 Pre-translation Preparation ................................... 12

3.2 While-translation Procedure ...................................... 13

3.3 Post-translation Proofreading ................................ 14

Chapter 4 Case Analysis ...................... 16

4.1 Lexical Level............................................. 16

4.1.1 Addition and subtraction ............................. 16

4.1.2 Conversion ................................... 20

Chapter 5 Conclusion ............................... 41

5.1 Major Gains................................... 41

5.2 Limitations ..................................... 42

Chapter 4 Case Analysis

4.1 Lexical Level

In English-Chinese translation, the lexical level is a crucial part of the process, as it involves analyzing and selecting the most appropriate words and phrases to convey the intended meaning of the source text. To achieve an accurate and effective translation, it is necessary to consider various aspects of the lexical level, including addition and subtraction of words, as well as word conversion. 

By analyzing addition and subtraction and word conversion at the lexical level, translator can ensure that the translation is accurate, natural, and effective in conveying the intended meaning of the source text. Translator can also consider other aspects of the lexical level, such as word order, idiomatic expressions, and cultural references, to ensure that the translation is culturally appropriate and relevant to the target audience.

4.1.1 Addition and subtraction 

Addition and subtraction refer to the addition or removal of words and phrases in the target language translation, respectively. Addition is often used to convey additional information that may not be explicitly stated in the source text, such as cultural references or idiomatic expressions that are commonly used in the target language. Subtraction, on the other hand, involves removing words or phrases that may be unnecessary or redundant in the target language. This can include removing idiomatic expressions or cultural references that may not be relevant to the target audience or may not have an equivalent meaning in the target language. 


Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Major Gains

Reflecting on the entirety of the translation practice, despite facing certain difficulties and challenges along the journey, it has also resulted in notable achievements and advancements. This experience can offer some insights and guidance for future researchers. 

This translation practice revolved around the delicate balance required when translating a narrative that seamlessly blends real-life inspiration with imaginative storytelling. This duality, inherent in the source text, posed challenges in ensuring that the translated work adeptly captured the interplay between the elements of reality and imagination. It is not about groundbreaking innovations, but practical insights that empower translator to skillfully navigate the intricate interplay between these elements and convey them accurately. Through the implementation of Relevance Theory, translator achieved a level of precision that ensured the translated text maintained the suspenseful impact of the original work. This heightened precision extends to word selection, idiomatic expressions, and nuanced vocabulary, ensuring that the translated text faithfully mirrors the source material. This increased lexical precision benefits both translator and readers, capturing the subtleties and suspense inherent in the genre of suspense literature. 

This analysis emphasizes that literary translation requires an intimate understanding of the specific genre and its unique demands. It acknowledges and adeptly addresses the unique challenges posed by suspense literature. The source text involved the unique first-person perspective. This perspective, which immerses readers in others experiences, is skillfully intertwined with emotional connections, imaginative contemplations, and personal reflections. Translating this multilayered narrative, which fluidly transitions between reality and memory, presented a considerable challenge. It required not only a profound understanding of the content of the source text but also the ability to convey it accurately in the target language. Through the utilization of Relevance Theory, translator gain access to a set of genre-specific techniques that preserve the core of genre essence and impact within the translation. The analysis emphasizes that a translator‟s deep familiarity with the genre is not merely advantageous but an essential component in the successful translation of suspense literature. 




