
发布时间:2020-03-21 19:52:53 论文编辑:vicky


Chapter 1   Introduction

1.1 Research background
Chomsky  (1981)  discusses  Ccs  under  government  and  binding  (hence  GB) framework.  He  determines  the  nature  of  Ccs  by  comparing  them  with  raising structures.
(2) a. Johni [ yp seems [s ti to [ yp be sad]]]. 
 (Chomsky, 1981: 35)
b. John promised Bill [PRO to feed himself]. 
(Chomsky, 1981:75)
(2b) is similar to (2a), but actually they are not the same. The operation of raising is to raise the clausal subject to the matrix subject. However, we find that PRO is not a trace left behind by matrix subject raising process, for the PRO can refer to someone else.  Besides,  their  differences  can  also  be  proved  by  “there”  patterns  and  subject idiom chunks, and neither of them can be taken as the subject of PRO. Beyond that, the active and passive voices of Ccs are not identical from semantic aspects.In the syntactic domain in the period of GB, two theories are related to the Ccs in English,  namely,  predication  theory  (Williams,  1980)  and  thematic  theory (Nishigauchi, 1984). There are two kinds of Ccs in William’s prediction theory (1980), i.e.,  obligatory  control  (OC)  constructions  and  non-obligatory  control  (NOC) constructions.  PRO  in  OC  must  rely  on  the  nominal  component  in  the  sentence to confirm its reference, while NOC is a subjective control since the reference of PRO is confirmed according to the context. According to prediction theory, NP/AP/PP/VP is seen  as  a  simple  centered  predicate,  while  PRO  and  WH-  are  as  complicated predicates that embody PRO and WH- variants, and the open position of PRO and WH- located make it a predicate. The sentence component is divided into argument and  adjunct  according to  its  relation  with  predicate  verb. Williams  (1980)  neglects PRO and conversely considers the whole sentence. According to Williams’ view, PRO co-indexes with VP, and the distribution of PRO is irrelevant to the control theory. The OC belongs to predicate while NOC is not

1.2 Research purposes
From  above,  although  scholars  expound  the  English  Ccs  by  Minimalist hypothesis, there still remain many questions about English Ccs. With the proposal of the  newest  phase  theory  within  MP  framework,  it  poses  challenges  to  the  present studies  of  English  Ccs.  English  Ccs  is  a  matter  of  continuing  concern  due  to  its complexity and uncertainty. It can be inferred that the conclusions made in GB period are  of  descriptive,  and  the  hypothesis  of  lexical  properties  in  GB  model  takes semantics of specific vocabulary into consideration. It truly increases the difficulty of English Ccs research. Under the guidance of MP theories, this thesis aims at finding out the underlying syntactic derivation of English Ccs and verifying rationality of the proposed models on English Ccs.
More specifically, the three main aims of the thesis are: 
ⅰ. To corroborate the unique existence of PRO in English Ccs.
ⅱ. To explore the syntactic derivation of English Ccs.
ⅲ. To find the differences in the syntactic derivation of argument and adjunct control constructions by analyzing some language facts.

Chapter 2   Previous Studies of English Control Constructions

2.1 Movement analysis
GB  model  derives  sentences  in  deep  structure  (DS),  and  it  determines  the syntactic hierarchy by thematic roles in the surface structure (SS) and then transform it  to  SS.  But  in  MP  framework,  DS  and  SS  are  abolished,  it  is  contended  that sentences  are  derived  by  merge  and  move  operation.  Move  operation  allows  the derivation  of  SOV  order.  GB  model  assumes  that  movement  operation  left  behind trace. As shown in (7). 
GB model applies trace t to identify some characteristics of constitutes moved. While MP model produces copies in the new position, and trace is of no use under MP. Previous  sections  have  mentioned  some  types  of  movement,  such  as  the  NP movement in the subject raising structure, which aims at filling the specifier of TP with  the  subordinate  DP  and  obtains  a  nominal  case.  Some  scholars  believe  this method would provide reasonable explanations to the English Ccs.
2.1.1 Hornstein (1999, 2003), Boeckx & Hornstein (2004, 2006, 2007, 2010)
Hornstein  (1999)  argues  that  English  Ccs  should  get  a  uniform  explanation instead of a special sub-theory. He is in favor of eliminating the control module, and it is consistent with the spirit of minimalism that discards the DS and SS. On the basis, he thinks the θ-role constraints no longer exist, and a NP bears only one θ role. He treats  θ-role  as  features  of  control  verb  and  θ-role  assignment  as  feature  checking process.  He  analyzes  OC  as  the  result  of  movement,  and  depicts  the  unexpressed subject of NOC as pro. He puts forward that the removal of restrictions on θ-roles, chains, and merger reduces the burden of sentence derivation. Finally, he illustrates this view by the example below.  

2.2 Non-movement analysis
Movement  analysis  reduces  the  syntactic  derivation  of  Ccs  to  the  result  of movement, and it supports PRO-less derivation process of Ccs. While non-movement analysis  approves  that  syntactic  derivation  of  Ccs  should  involve  PRO,  and  it maintains that both the control theory module and PRO are necessary to the research on Ccs, since it can differentiate Ccs from other configurations on the syntactic level.
The non-movement analysis takes PRO into account, and thus it involves several aspects of PRO. However, the MP model cancels DS and SS, the original assumption, which PRO lies in the DS and then transformed to the SS, and it is not applicable for contemporary period. Scholars put forward their own standpoint on the English Ccs.
2.2.1 Chomsky (1977, 1981, 1995)
Chomsky  (1977,  1981)  explores  Ccs  from  GB  perspective,  and  he  describes restriction  of  rules,  rule  feature  and  exceptional  case  of  Ccs.  Chomsky  (1977) proposes that Ccs are closely linked to complement (hence forth COMP) system, and he uses the notion “filter” (which is a device to regulate the transformations) to define the properties of Ccs, such as transformation of “for” and “to”. He observes that some words take complementizer “for” in their embedded clause, such as “want” “prefer” and other verbs (control verbs) takes null-complementizer as infinitive complement. “for” in the (20a) can be deleted, as shown in (20).

Chapter 3   Theoretical Framework ................................. 24
3.1 Background and development of MP ............................. 24
3.2 Empty categories theory ............................... 27
3.3 Control theory ............................................ 29
Chapter 4   PRO in English Control Constructions .............................................. 41
4.1 Presence of PRO in MP ...................................... 42
4.1.1 Ellipsis evidence ..................................... 42
4.1.2 Argument structure evidence .................................... 45
Chapter 5   Syntactic Derivation of Argument Control Constructions ............... 51
5.1 General properties of argument control constructions .................................... 52
5.2 Derivation of subject clauses ................................ 54

Chapter 6   Syntactic Derivation of Adjunct Control Constructions

6.1 General Properties of adjunct control constructions
The controller for PRO in adjunct Ccs may have an Agent role that the thematic relation of Agent might be different in nature from “major” thematic relations such as Theme, Goal etc. It is necessary to distinguish this type from above argument Ccs.
Chomsky  (1981)  supposes  that  PRO  can  locate  in  every  position  of  a  logical thematic subject whose antecedent is of thematic, as the example of depictive adjuncts in (67).
(67) Maryi greeted a girlj without PROi/*j knowing it.
PRO as the head of adjunct clause, Williams (1980) calls it adjunct control, thus constructions like (67) are adjunct Ccs. 
Adjunct belongs to the secondary element of sentence since it does not change nature  of  verb.  Because  the  adjunct  does  not  always  present  x-bar  independent relations,  and  adjuncts  are  always  derived  outside  of  VP  or  outside  of  the  first projection of V. Thus adjuncts are independent of almost all the relevant structural relations we can recall, such as c-command, dominance etc. Phase theory illustrates that adjunct clause forms a kind of barrier to bar the structural relations. 
John wondered how PRO to behave in public

Chapter 7   Conclusion

7.1 Major findings of the thesis
This thesis claims that PRO is the key notion of English control constructions. It suggests  that  presence  of  PRO  can  be  proved  by  ellipsis  evidence  and  existing equivalent  to  that  of  NP-trace.  Presence  of  PRO  is  also  supported  by  argument requirement. Besides, logical semantic interpretation indicates the difference between PRO  and  NP-trace.  Thus  PRO  is  of  special  syntactic  status  and  it  cannot  be interpreted as NP residue of move operation. This thesis suggests that PRO possess null case, and discharge of null case is grounded on null C according to phase theory but not traditional spec-head relation since DS and SS are casted away in MP. The specific case valuation mechanism is as follows.
(79) [CP C [TP PRO [T to [DP PRO win].
Null case valuation mechanism is similar to that of structural case. Base-derived PRO first merges with verb to v*P, and then the formed v*P merges with T. PRO is attracted to the spec-T due to its EPP feature, finally TP is valued by null C, and it forms  CP.  T  distributes  null  case  to  PRO.  At  last  all  uninterpretable  features  are valued and syntactic operation completes.
This thesis adopts Landau’s (2013) classification that divides English Ccs into argument  Ccs  and  adjunct  Ccs.  When  the  clause  which  contains  PRO  acts  as  the subject and complement of the sentence, and it belongs to the argument type. It is attached to the adjunct type if the clause which contains PRO clause serves as adjunct of the sentence. 
Inspired by the OC and NOC classification, subject clause of argument Ccs is organized into bare infinitive subject clause and gerunds subject clause. Complement clause  of  argument  Ccs  is  categorized  into  declarative  complement  clause  and interrogative complement clause. It is proved that the presented syntactic derivation can  bypass  the  complicated  difference  of  OC  and  NOC  and  provide  a  uniform explanation to the derivation of English Ccs.





