英语论文格式纲要-英语论文纲要范文-Intellectual Property Rights Protection: “

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英语论文格式纲要-英语论文纲要范文 英语论文纲要


No. : 0824212019_

  Date:  __________
Intellectual Property Rights Protection: “To Be or Not To Be”

   While bring unparalleled development and prosperity to society on economy and culture.Internet technology has given a huge challenge to the original intellectual property protection. Intellectual property protection is a global issue, it involves the economy, the culture, the legal aspects of morality, and it requires joint efforts of the whole society. The international development of the Internet for the traditional intellectual property system brings huge impact. At present the protection of intellectual property rights were insufficient, such as legislation, patents, etc. In many countries, the intellectual property rights protection lags behind; the system is relatively backward, compared with the international average still have a large gap.
Keywords: System;The status;Protection; Changing;influence

Ⅰ. Traditional system of intellectual property protection
A. The severe situation. Traditional system of intellectual property protection is affected by many factors, subjective and objective factors leading to the crisis.
1. Traditional intellectual property protection scope expands unceasingly
Information technology makes the traditional intellectual property protection from single copyright expanded to commercial secret, science and technology, and even network domain.
2. Realistic social ethics and network ethics to understanding of the differences between knowledge propagation. These differences influence the protection of intellectual property rights from a subjective.
3. Network monopoly attenuated. Under the network environment, Intellectual property legislation differences and the rights protection period ragged, etc. All profoundly influence to the intellectual property rights of exclusiveness and weaken the intellectual property of monopoly. The intellectual property confirmation, using, monitoring and protect the realization are difficult.
4. Network unfair competition. Network unfair competition often occur in e-commerce, it has great harmfulness .Network unfair competition problems triggered network domain name and well-known trademark and other industrial property rights protection problems. Network unfair competition problems triggered network domain name and well-known trademark and other industrial property rights protection problems.
  B.It needs to be changed. Traditional system of intellectual property protection of change is related to people's interests. Once lost its protection, any innovation will be taken away or suppressed. This is a matter of “To be or not to be”  
Ⅱ. There are some controversies
A. network liberalization - Open/close source. It is a widely discussed topic, and still has considerable differences.
B. more strict law enforcement. If we don't sound legal system and perfect the system or, conversely, or even give up the existing protection system we will live in a quiet society, no innovation, no character, no development.
C. consciously. Some people think that legal is unnecessary and high moral man is just ok. It is just a long-term and unrealistic ideal
Ⅲ. Some thoughts.
A. More perfect legal system and the consummation system .Although the protection of intellectual property rights belongs to the category of truth ethics. For the time being, a more perfect legal system and the consummation system is a direct way of solving the problem.
B. Strengthens education. The personate is most important, so strengthen education is necessary.
C. Targeted policies .We can adopt different action in different fields, for instance the open source movement in computer technology. It could attract more volunteers; we also can take powerful legal protection for commercial secrets. Those are some fields.
 Copyright
 Commercial secrets
 software
 Digital library and database
D. Network ethics./  This is a brand-new topic, we should work together to create a good social network information society.
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