
发布时间:2021-12-14 18:53:41 论文编辑:vicky


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research

English  is  a  subject  that  plays  a  highly  significant  role  in  basic  education.  It  is impossible  for  Chinese  students  to  have  a  learning  environment  like  that  of  native English learners. It is impossible for Chinese students to get enough English language stimulation and internalize their language rules in English class or at ordinary times. They  are  not  able  to  naturally  acquire  English  by  simple  imitation.  Therefore,  the necessary  and  effective  learning  of  basic  English  grammar  rules  can  help  Chinese English  learners  reduce  and  prevent  errors  in  language  practice,  and  help  them  to develop  their  ability  to  understand  and  use  English  correctly.  It  can  make  them detours  less  in  the  process  of  learning  English  and  help  them  master  English  better within a shorter time, which can be called a shortcut to learning.

The  purpose  of  grammar  teaching  in  senior  high  school  is  to  assist  students  in mastering basic sentence patterns  via learning basic grammar  rules, and to carry out practical  activities  such  as  listening,  speaking,  reading  and  writing  with  sentence patterns. At the same time, the New Curriculum Standard also plainly indicates: “the focal point of this curriculum reform is to alter the tendency that English curriculum overemphasizes  the  explanation  of  grammar  and  vocabulary  knowledge,  but overlooks  the  cultivation  of  students‟  practical  language  proficiency...”  However, because  of  some  teachers‟  wanting  understanding  of  the  concept  of  the  new curriculum reform, there are mainly two extreme phenomena in grammar teaching in senior high school: one is the weakening of grammar teaching represented by young teachers.  They  mistakenly  believe  that  grammar  teaching  is  unimportant,  which causes  foreign  language  teaching  to  shift  from  “emphasizing  knowledge  and neglecting  ability”  to  “emphasizing  ability  and  neglecting  knowledge”.  Another phenomenon is the emphasis on grammar knowledge, which is represented by elderly teachers.  It  is  hard  for  them  to  give  up  their  accumulated  grammar  teaching experience  for  a  long  time.  They  overstress  the  significance  of  grammar  rules  and implement “cramming” teaching with grammar as the key link. Obviously, these two phenomena run counter to the concept of the New Curriculum Reform. “Altering the tendency  of  overstressing  the  explanation  and  teaching  of  grammar”  only  requires changing the previous teaching method of grammar, not requiring giving up grammar teaching;  and  the  practice  of  emphasizing  grammar  teaching  is  time-consuming  and inefficient, which makes people feel numb. 

1.2 Purpose of the Research

As far as the research on English teachers‟ teaching beliefs has been concerned, some  achievements  have  been  accumulated.  However,  the  present  researches  on  the relationship between English teachers‟ teaching beliefs and teaching mainly focus on college education, while the research focusing on the stage of basic education is not rich.  English  is  a  very  important  subject  in  senior  high  school  education.  Grammar teaching is a shortcut for high school students to learn English well. At present, there are many researches on grammar teaching in senior high school, but the research on English teachers‟ beliefs in  grammar teaching is very rare. Pajares (1992) believed that  teachers‟  beliefs  influence  their  teaching  behavior  more  than  their  knowledge. Zhao Changmu (2004) also believed that what kind of educational belief a teacher has as a leader and manager of teaching activities will have a great impact on what kind of teaching and management he adopts. 

Therefore,  this  thesis  takes  senior  high  school  grammar  teaching  as  the breakthrough  point,  and  further  explores  senior  high  school  English  teachers‟ grammar  teaching  beliefs  by  means  of  questionnaire  survey  and  interview,  so  as  to find  out  the  problems  existing  among  senior  high  school  teachers  in  terms  of  their grammar teaching beliefs and then work out the relevant solutions. 

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Definitions

A detailed description is illustrated in this part, including the definition of belief, teacher‟  belief,  and  teachers‟  beliefs  in  grammar  teaching.  They  are  elaborated  as follows. 

2.1.1 Definitions of Belief 

The  exploration  of  belief  can  be  traced  back  to  the  works  of  Plato,  the  ancient Greek philosopher. He believed that people‟s belief is the narration of something that is below the level of knowledge. It does not belong to the classifications of knowledge. And the connection between belief and knowledge is “Knowledge is belief tested by time” (comfort, 1935; quoted from Liu Hua, 2004). According to modern psychology, belief  is  defined  as  the  individual‟s permanent  and unchangeable view of a certain theory or idea about nature and society. It can be said that belief is the spiritual mentor for people to interpret and change the world, and the incentive force for all activities. Once  a  certain  belief  is  established,  it  will  affect  people‟s psychology and behavior, which  determines  the  speed,  direction,  and  effect  of  individual  development  and growth;  at  the  same  time,  once  a  certain  belief  is  shaken  or  disintegrated,  it  is  the beginning of people‟s mental collapse and behavior degradation (Yu Guoliang, Xin Ziqiang, 2000). In short, belief is the accumulation of personal knowledge of the real world, which contains cognitive feelings and skills, and can guide individual thinking and action.


2.2 Theoretical Foundation

Teacher Cognition and Focus on Form play a significant role in teachers‟ belief. They are the theoretical foundations of this research and are elaborated as follows.

2.2.1 Teacher Cognition

In  recent  years,  scholars  at  home  and  abroad  have  made  new  progress  in  the research of teachers‟ teaching beliefs both in theory and in practice. At the same time, the discussion of English teachers‟ beliefs in grammar teaching is in the ascendant. 

Cognition  is  an  elemental  part  of  psychology.  It  is  a  person‟s  capability  and behavior  to  pay  attention  to  things  and  obtain  information  rationally.  Broadly speaking, it is the core of thinking activities. As cognition is formed based on memory and  perception,  it  has  an  effect  on  perception  and  memory.  So  what  is  cognition? There are different explanations for this. According to Gui Shichun (1991), cognition is a psychological process as well as a process of acquiring and applying knowledge. In  addition,  cognition  is  defined  as  the  application  of  human  intelligence,  such  as  a variety  of  activities.  Borg  (2006)  pointed  out,  teacher  cognition  refered  to  the cognitive  processes  and  structures  which  influence,  and  are  influenced  by,  what teachers do. 

As time goes by, the appearance of cognitive psychology has greatly changed the perspective and direction of educational research, stressing the influence of thinking on  behavior  (Mohammad  Reza  Gerammi  &  Nooreen  BT  Noordin,  2013).  Previous studies  on  teachers‟  cognition  showed  that  teachers  are  a  complex  cognitive  system, which  largely  determines  the  scope  of  teachers‟  classroom  practice.  As  a  result, teaching  was  considered  as  a  rather  complex  cognitive  activity  in  foreign  language education, and teachers were considered as “active thinking decision makers” making use  of  practice-oriented,  complex,  context-related  and  personalized  knowledge networks,  ideas  and  beliefs  (Borg,  2003).  


Chapter 3 Research Design ........................................ 23

3.1 Research Questions ...................................................... .23

3.2 Research Instruments ................................................... 23

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion ............................................... 31

4.1 Results from Overall Questionnaire Analysis .............................. 31

4.1.1 Teachers‟ Grammatical Cognitive Beliefs .............................. 32

4.1.2 Teachers‟ Beliefs about Teachers and Learners‟ Roles ......................... 34

Chapter 5 Major Findings and Implications ..................................... 54

5.1 Major Findings .......................................... 54

5.2 Implications for English Grammar Teaching ................................... 56

Chapter 5 Major Findings and Implications 

5.1 Major Findings

This research mainly uses the questionnaire and interview method to collect the related data of grammar teaching beliefs of senior high school English teachers with the purpose of analyzing the existing problems and the reasons of grammar teaching belief of senior high English teachers in Guangdong Province. The following are the summary of the main findings of this research. 

(1)  Through  questionnaires  and  interviews,  the  author  finds  that  generally  the beliefs of senior high school English teachers in grammar teaching are positive. 

Generally,  Teachers‟ overall beliefs in grammar teaching reflect the concept of the new curriculum reform. Most of the teachers hold that it is very essential to master grammar knowledge to upgrade English level; grammar capability is an integral part of language proficiency; grammar teaching should not only  attach importance to the explanation  and  teaching  of  grammar  and  vocabulary  knowledge,  but  also  pay attention to  the cultivation of students‟ practical language ability. Meanwhile, most teachers  have  come  to  realize  that  the  main  body  of  learning  should  be  students. English classroom is a place where learners participate in research and solve problems. Teachers  are  supposed  to  be  guides  and  enlighteners  rather  than  knowledge inculcators.  They  also  realize  that  they  should  guide  students  to  construct  their  own understanding  of  grammar.  Grammar  teaching  should  meet  the  students‟  interests, needs  and  cognitive  abilities;  grammar  learning  should  be  the  combination  of listening,  speaking,  reading  and  writing;  in  addition,  grammar  teaching  should  pay particular attention to social and situational features. They have also realized that the purpose  of  evaluation  is  to  check  teaching  gains  and  losses,  instead  of  recording students‟ achievements. At the same time, evaluation methods should be diversified, not just paper and pencil tests. 

Chapter 6 Conclusion

6.1 Summary of the Research

Firstly,  this  research  investigates  the  overall  situation  of  teachers‟  beliefs  of grammar  teaching  in  senior  high  schools  in  Guangdong  Province,  finds  out  the problems, and then analyzes particular groups with the problems. The subjects are 68 English  teachers  from  different  high  schools  in  Guangdong  Province.  Quantitative data is collected in this research through questionnaire survey and qualitative data is collected  through  interview.  The  questionnaire consists of ten dimensions: Teachers‟ beliefs  in  grammar  cognition,  teachers‟  and  students‟  roles,  form  focused, communicative  meaning,  inductive  teaching,  deductive  teaching,  sentence  pattern practice, grammar terms, learning strategies and evaluation of grammar teaching. 

Secondly,  by  analyzing  the  questionnaire  data,  the  research  finds  that  here  are some differences in grammar teaching beliefs of senior high school English teachers in Guangdong Province, especially inductive teaching and deductive teaching, as well as two teaching methods focusing on form or meaning. 

Thirdly, through group analysis, the research finds out the particular groups that have the problems in terms of their grammar teaching beliefs. Then the author reviews some of the members in the groups, so as to discover the reasons. 

Finally,  according  to  the  research  results,  some  teaching  implications  are  put forward to improve teachers‟ grammar teaching belief. 






