MBA Essay Sample:Hong Kong's Economy Development

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MBA Essay Sample-香港经济发展。本文是一篇有本站代写服务提供的留学生MBA essay范文,主要内容是讲述发展知识经济是全球趋势。到2003年,香港正沿着这个方向向知识型经济转型。本篇MBA essay指出在经济转型期间,香港正遭受结构性失业、边缘劳动力和工作岗位错配的困扰。以下内容就是关于香港经济发展相关研究的MBA essay范文,供参考。

MBA Essay Sample

Hong Kong Economy 香港经济

1. Introduction 引言

The development of a knowledge-based economy is a global trend. By 2003, Hong Kong was following this direction to transform into a knowledge-based economy. During this economic restructuring, Hong Kong was suffering from structural unemployment, marginal labour and mismatches of jobs.

2. The importance for HK to develop its human capital 香港发展人力资本的重要性

According to population’s statistic, the median age of the labour force increased from 34 in 1991 to 37 in 2001 due to ageing of the overall population and delayed entry into the labour force as a result of increased postsecondary educational opportunities. Unlike, increases in gross domestic product (GDP), increases in the quality of human capital show the extent to which development has reached the population. Investment in education that caters to the immediate needs of industry both foreign and domestic is essential. The educational system should also maintain the long-term goal of self-reliance and promoting programmes that create thinkers, innovator and entrepreneurs.

本篇MBA essay提出根据人口统计,劳动力的中位年龄从1991年的34岁增加到2001年的37岁,原因是总人口老龄化,以及中学后教育机会增加导致进入劳动力队伍的时间推迟。与国内生产总值的增长不同,人力资本质量的提高显示了发展对人口的影响程度。对满足国内外产业迫切需求的教育投资至关重要。教育系统还应保持自力更生的长期目标,并促进培养思想家、创新者和企业家的方案。

Because of Hong Kong’s neighbours such as Singapore has already owned a completely human capital strategy for rising in competitiveness. So Hong Kong needs to optimize the economic structure and labour pool. Obviously, Hong Kong need invest to human capital to reinforce the strengths of its four main economic pillars – finance, logistics, tourism and manufacturing services. The accumulation of human capital is an important contributor to economic growth. Although human capital takes at least eight years to mature and requires constant support, its returns are fundamental for improvement. Investment in human capital has proven successful in many developing nations. The attainment of education can contribute significantly to the generation of overall output in economy. The general finding is that more educated individuals tend to have higher employment rate and earnings and produce more output relative to those who are less educated. Moreover, education is deemed as an investment that enables individuals to be equipped with knowledge and skills that improve their employability and productive capacity.

由于香港的邻国,如新加坡,已经拥有了一个完全的人力资本战略,以提高竞争力。因此,MBA essay提出香港需要优化经济结构和劳动力储备。显然,香港需要对人力资本进行投资,以增强其四大经济支柱——金融、物流、旅游和制造业服务业的实力。人力资本的积累是经济增长的重要贡献者。尽管人力资本至少需要八年的时间才能成熟,并且需要不断的支持,但其回报是改善的基础。事实证明,对人力资本的投资在许多发展中国家是成功的。受教育程度可以对经济整体产出的产生做出重大贡献。普遍的发现是,与受教育程度较低的人相比,受教育程度较高的人往往有更高的就业率和收入,并产生更多的产出。此外,教育被视为一种投资,使个人能够掌握提高其就业能力和生产能力的知识和技能。

3. The role of Government 政府的作用

The role of the government should be establishing the enabling environment and that of the public and private sectors as active partners in the provision of the economic services. Collaboration between public and private sectors in the productive economy is an area where the optimal use of public and private sector resources can create added value for a society as a whole.

本篇MBA essay认为政府的作用应该是建立有利的环境,以及公共和私营部门作为提供经济服务的积极伙伴的作用。在生产性经济中,公共部门和私营部门之间的合作是一个最佳利用公共和私营部门资源可以为整个社会创造附加值的领域。

4. Best work together with Private and Public sectors 最好与私营和公共部门合作

The government should coordinate between the public and private sectors and give them some beneficial policy or regulation for their collaboration. Ideally, the collaboration between them should prefer use a project base. Moreover, the project should have a strong political commitment, open mindedness, clear responsibilities and the correct apportionment of risk for them. As a result, the private sector should cover the main commercial risks, including project completion risk, operating cost and market demand. However, the private sector may not be able to absorb the full market risk when it is not given direct access to the market. In these cases, long-term take or pay contracts with government may be required. Another partnership, a fine balance must be struck by the public sector between easing risk perceptions of private sector partners and maintaining sufficient incentives for the efficient private sector management of projects.

政府应该在公共部门和私营部门之间进行协调,并为它们的合作提供一些有益的政策或监管。理想情况下,他们之间的合作应该更喜欢使用项目库。此外,该项目应具有强烈的政治承诺、开放的心态、明确的责任和正确的风险分配。因此,私营部门应承担主要的商业风险,包括项目完工风险、运营成本和市场需求。然而,如果私营部门不能直接进入市场,它可能无法吸收全部市场风险。在这种情况下,可能需要与政府签订长期不收不付的合同。本篇MBA essay提出另一种伙伴关系是,公共部门必须在缓解私营部门伙伴的风险认知和为私营部门有效管理项目保持足够的激励之间取得良好的平衡。

5. Hong Kong needs Managerial and Professional people 香港需要管理和专业人才

During economic restructuring, the proportion of professionals, associate professionals, managers and administrators in the working population increased from 3 .7%, 10.5% And 9.4% respectively in 1991 to 5.9%, 16.2% and 11 .4% respectively in 2001. It represent that Hong Kong focus on develop its four economic pillars. Therefore, Hong Kong need many high-level people with managerial experiences in the fields of finance, tourism and logistic and manufacturing. Moreover, Hong Kong will also need professional to develop the high value-add industry such as software development and innovative multi-media. HK government also has the admission scheme to utilize the foreign talents and mainland’s professionals.


6. The advantages and disadvantages of the Admission of Talents Scheme and the Admission of Mainland Professionals Scheme 输入优秀人才计划和输入内地专业人才计划的优缺点

The Advantage of two schemes 两种方案的优势

Attract talents from outside Hong Kong with expertise and skills – not readily available locally, who could enhance the competitiveness of the territory’s economy as manufacturing or services centre, particularly in technology-based, knowledge intensive or high-value-added activities.

Different country’s talent come to Hong Kong, it can make the Hong Kong has an international image.



The disadvantage of two schemes 两种方案的缺点

If the government is wrong to evaluate the application and approve the talent or professional for admission into HK, it may affect the local job vacancy.


The disadvantage of the Admission of Mainland Professionals Scheme 输入内地专业人才计划的弊端

Unlike talent schemes, the existing policy on entry of Mainland professionals was so restrictive that less than 600 Mainlanders were admitted under the Admission of Mainland Professionals Scheme in the past two years.


7. Hong Kong Long-Term Policy 香港长期政策

The following policies could be used to improve the quality of skills in the Hong Kong’s economy for long-term:以下政策可用于长期提高香港经济的技能质量

7.1 Education and Manpower Policy 教育和人力政策

The HK government should continue to pursue extensive programmes to upgrade the educational attainment of population at all levels. At the same time, it also will promote and facilitate skills upgrading and life-long education. Especially, the low-level workers will need these programmes to enhance their skills to meet the changing demands of the economy. Consequently, HK government will adopt a strategic, responsive and coordinated approach to manpower planning and development.

香港政府应继续推行广泛的计划,以提高各阶层市民的教育程度。同时,它还将促进和促进技能提升和终身教育。本篇MBA essay指出特别是,低水平工人将需要这些计划来提高他们的技能,以满足不断变化的经济需求。因此,香港政府在人力资源规划及发展方面,会采取策略性、应变性及协调性的方针。

7.2 Admission of Mainland Professionals and Talent 引进内地专业人才

The HK government should provide more flexibility and incentives to tertiary institutions to attract academics and students from the Mainland and overseas. Also, it may continue to improve arrangements for Mainland businessmen to visit Hong Kong for business-related purposes. To step up efforts to encourage Hong Kong people being educated overseas to return to live and work here.


7.3 Training and Other Needs of New Arrivals 新移民的培训和其他需求

The HK Government should continue to provide and develop appropriate programmes to address the training needs of new arrivals of different age-groups and foster closer partnership between the Government and Non-governmental Organizations to identify and address the needs of new arrivals in HK. This helps to enhance the employment skills of new arrivals.


7.4 Investment Immigrants 投资移民

The HK government should extend the existing immigration policy to cater for persons who will make substantial investment (HK$6.5 million) in Hong Kong but do not themselves run a business i.e. capital investment entrants and to apply this extended policy initially to foreign nationals, residents of Macao SAR and Taiwan.


7.5 Policies Impacting on Childbirth 影响生育的政策

The HK government should continue with current family planning programmes emphasizing healthy, Planned Parenthood. On the other hand, HK government also should encourage the citizens to bear child and consider to granting the same level of tax deduction for all children irrespective of number.


7.6 Elderly Policy 老年人政策

The HK government should revisit and redefine the notion of retirement and old age and continue to develop programmes that promote active and healthy aging. As a result, it may develop a sustainable financial support system for the needy elderly.


7.7 Mobility of population 人口流动

The HK government should have some policies to enhance mobility of people, portability in welfare, education and housing entitlements should be introduced. Cross-border taxation should also be studied.


7.8 Portability of Benefits 福利的可移植性

For longer term, the HK government should address the issue of portability of public benefits taking into account the pace of economic integration with the Pearl River Delta (PRD) and examine in detail the cost implications of portable benefits on the Government fiscal position and the local economy.


7.9 Reorganization of mainland universities 内地大学重组

The HK Government should recognize the qualification from the mainland universities. The mutual recognition of professional and academic qualification between Hong Kong and the PRD needs to be speeded up. More generally, standards between Hong Kong and the PRD should be harmonized through a benchmarking process.


8. Conclusion 结论

As Hong Kong developing into an innovative and knowledge-based society, Hong Kong was suffering from structural unemployment, marginal labour. Therefore, the HK government should have a series of population policies to improve Hong Kong’s soft and hard infrastructure to meet the challenges of a knowledge-based economy. Moreover, this population policy will be designed to fit Hong Kong’s long-term social and economic development, complement family requirements and address the interests of different sectors.

本篇MBA essay总结随着香港发展成为一个创新和知识型社会,香港正遭受结构性失业和边缘劳动力的困扰。因此,香港政府应制订一系列人口政策,改善香港的软硬件基础设施,以应付知识型经济的挑战。此外,这项人口政策将配合香港长远的社会和经济发展,配合家庭的需要,并照顾不同阶层的利益。本站提供各国MBA essay格式范文,MBA essay代写以及MBA essay写作辅导,如有需要可咨询本平台。